The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]


“It will all be obvious in time, my child. For now, you must rest.”

Ok I am not blinding one of her eyes out. Yet.
Fuck why did I never search on how to cancel rituals before.
“The target should only hear the Cult and heir own name, all external noise should be removed”
He probably would be considered as Cult. Walking upstairs, the runes in the walls glamed at him with ill shine and the stone moved with only a thought. Amongst the ruins, he tried to find a source of noise.

Why are you trying to interrupt it.

State your intention.

“Yes… rest…”
Her consciousness slowly starts to drift as a smile comes across her face.

“I do not think you could quite understand the answer. Wait. You could understand. You would just find the answer idiot.”

It’s all for your 'dream.'

You align yourself so closely with your decision to be a human, but you cannot for the life of you become one.

“Naive as a child, dumb as a door. For the first time I have felt, and felt as if I should protect those.
Not going to lie, I also wanted to make a shenanigan to gain her soul solely to me when I got bored of this.”

You begin to wake up.

You feel a sharp pain at your side.

Your eyes have been forcefully opened by somebody.

Lily gently lifts up the cat and plops them(is that’d cat a he or a she :thinking:) into her bag.

“C’mon, you’re coming with me.”

(brb 10 min)

You instantly notice that Marian has begun to regain consciousness.

The cat purrs, accepting the lift.

Marian gives out a loud scream that echoes throughout the room as she now notices the pain with her eyes open despite the fact that she closed them.

“You stopped him for my power to increase?”
He hurries back in, again illusioning the claw.

I furthered my master’s goals.

He would have to ask more later.

Despite the pain, Marian feels more calm compared to when she first entered the room. She has a small smile on her face.
“I know the secrets of necromancy. With it, Adiart will remain standing.”
Even her voice is more relaxed.

He looked through some thing to cover injuries or like that nearby.
“Girl?” He repeats

“Everything will be fine, Nicholas. You do not need to worry about me.”
Despite her saying this, she winces in pain a little from the scratch on her side.

They had some gaze. After all, the seeker classcard uses a lot of those. He clumsy warped her torso.
“You should be at conditions to survive now.”

After her torso gets wrapped, Marian stands up and looks towards him.
“Thank you.”