The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Her smile returns upon hearing the name. It feels nice hearing it again.

He looks back at her. Yes, the dark God knew of his intent. And should Nicholas now cross their way, they probably would be fucking did. Or so he thought.
“I wanted her for me. Why did you?”
He knew the answer. He was asking it for redundancy.

I only respond. It was of her own choice.

“Wanted me for yourself? What do you mean?”

“Uhm, alright.”

Lily goes inside, a bit disappointed that she gave up 2 silver just to be cramped inside next to some suitcases. What kind of stuff is he transporting anyway?

The driver jolts the horses into action.

The caravan starts to move slowly.

The desire to protect was caused by the same egoism of wanting her soul whole, after all. An egoistic and frickle being who hated all those who were more powerful to them didn’t stop being as such only due to their gain of free will.
“You will know when the ritual is completed. It doesn’t matter anymore.” He said with bitterness.

“What ritual? Thanks to Corax, I can now create an army bound to its will to stop Cedar and his twisted crew. I’ve already found the answers I needed.”
Marian raises an eyebrow.

“The one you used to speak with Corax. I do not believe it was completed.” He looks at the book. “Wait, was it?”

Lily pets her cat absentmindedly while she tries to think of a name for him. Or was it a her? She’d have to check later. And what were in these cases? She would check, if she wasn’t afraid of getting kicked out just yet. Maybe after they get past the guards.

She also looks at the book for its response.


“Thank you.”

And he sits. Andar gathers his bearing for a while, before slowly starting his story.

“My mother’s a courtesan from Blooming Lotus Pavilion. That’s an old high-end brothel house in Reine several years ago. She coerced King Leonard to sleep with her when he passed through Reine, and here I am.”

The matter was quite scandalous at the time. My mother quit Blooming Lotus Pavilion and hid in another kingdom. The royal family regularly sent her money to keep her mouth shut. She was quite rich, you see."

She died when in her 60s. Don’t remember exactly when. I cut connection with the messenger that sent us money, moved to Adiart, and lived in Stag Crown Inn for the last 5 years."

By the way, King Leonard was 14 and my mother was 30 when I was conceived. I’m older than you, you see. That could cause a succession problem, so she left."

( @firekitten only you hold the power to name his being )

It was.


Marian grabs the book and looks nearby the exit.
“I have to test the power that Corax has bestowed upon me. Tell us where the nearest graveyard is.”

They will correlate the necromancy with me. If I don’t want my head off, I better should be prepared to bus her when the time has come.

“I am curious to see it in action. Do not spread the name of Corax to the populace, neither to your captain”
He took the book again.
“We agreed it should stay with me”

“He’s not my captain anymore! He stabbed me in the back for his own personal gain! And besides, I feel like the book likes me more than you do, so it might want me to wield it.”

“Stop inventing shenanigans to your egoism. It has chosen to stay with me at the library” He put the book back in the box again, alongside with his own. “I will still continue to scout you, though.”