The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Lily’s initial suspicion gets dispelled by this statement, sensing that it’s true. Guess she’s just headed for the same place.

“Uhhh… Yeah.” Lily awkwardly finishes

(me rn:

The other guard nods.
“Right. Sounds like first-degree, Doug?”
One of the guards stands dead still, for quite a while.
Eventually, a knight with golden armour comes to the gate. He looks at the both of them, and simply asks Lily to “follow him.”
One of the guards says to Faris;
“Your name?”

She follows, i guess.

To Faris “See you soon.”

( @Geyde @PoisonedSquid )
He didn’t himself consider it an act of altruism, but refutating the guard in his current state would only lead to a certain death. Playing along was the way, subverting words not to bring the lie detector in alert. He would not be magically binded by anything the devil said, as it usually happened with common demons as subservient weapons of a war - to follow the ones most apt to act as their commanders -, but he found it convenient to obey and also to keep the girl near.
She would handle most social situations and defend his presence fiercely… Or so they would. Had this paladin to really convey the extent of their true nature? Pathetic.
There was now a need to kill the cultist, unless he could deceive her into having her soul and by extent being obligated to bindly obey him. The second option would probably lead the devil into plotting against him, but the first would be going against the ire of Corax defenselessly. Asking the paladins for help wasn’t even among the options. He would either be condemned for killing a person or condemned for defending a cultist earlier.
In either cases, interaction way too deeply with the paladins meant saying goodbye to the book. Again, not an option. He felt a connection to the artifact as they were in a similar situation, and would not let it be again under guard of the holy warriors - or worse, be destructed.
But, of course, the demon had at the very present a worry that was more important than all those others.
“I need healing.”

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The paladin immediately says,
“Don’t try anything.”
As you walk further from the castle, you see the area get more and more natural. Pavement turns into path. Buildings no more, only trees.
The walk is tiring, and you aren’t there yet.

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The woman extends her hand forward in the direction of the demon, and a blazing light emanates forth from them. The light surrounds the wounds of the demon.

They have a stone faced expression, eyes utterly neutral.

“Your matters will be absolved.”

Another guard pipes up.

“If you got a matter to settle, such as a message, ya can give it here.”

“Your type just ain’t allowed in the castle without proper admission.”


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Marian continues to stare at the scene between Nicholas and the paladin unsure of what to do. If she makes a single move, she might get pierced by a weapon.

Right next to the black rose you can see a painting with Black Stache on it, grin and all.

You see a shadow in the corner of the room for only a moment.

It fades away as soon as you laid your eyes upon it.

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His particular kind was made during the war with one singular purpose: Slay Marlvith. By extension but not as part of the main goal, it was also to slay their inheritors. The holy knights were inheritors of Marlvith - not by bloodlines, as arcane magic tends to do, but by ideals.
Marlvith unfortunately survived not to be slayed, but to die of the old age failling of the fragile human body. It renders the objective of those who survived uncomplete, forever missing a part, to eternity not being able to stand near and trick the light knights as the devils did, but only an impulse to erradicate. It could be controlled by a being with free will of sorts, but not hidden.
He started to roll away again when he noticed that he was not dead yet by the seeing of light, the scars of a battle the demon semisurvived.

Shaking his head slightly in uncertainty, he sighed “It’s fine… Nothing is there. After all, if anything was sill there I’d see it” he said, trying to convince himself, not believing a word of it though.

“… It’s all for him, Cedar. The sailor just didn’t understand how important this journey is. It’s all for Black Stache’s name…”


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The woman takes an offensive stance, brandishing the weapon that had been so stained with the blood of the demon. Corrupt, trickster. These were the things that made a demon a demon, and by their actions they reinforced this.

Seeing the demon rolling away after being offered a new life only confirmed this theory for her, cut a string holding her back.

“It’s settled then.” Said cold and with finality.

“You are as good as dead.”

The loud sound of thunder could be heard overhead.

It had suddenly started to rain.

A slight giggle could be heard from your immediate vicinity.

Teeth, haired fingers. None of these things could be seen, but whatever it was, it was troubling. The noise itself seemed to plead for it to be cut down.

Cedar sighed as he stood up from his seat and begins to head out the cabin. He would need a few companions with him to protect him from outside threats. The decision should be easy to figure out as he walks towards the deck.

Seeing this, Marian picks up the box and starts to sneak away from the group into an area where she cannot be seen.