The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Andar raises an eyebrow. He’s not brain dead, he supposes. Oh well, there goes his chance to buy the brewery he had his eyes on. And the war horse.

“Alright. Revised for point two, every necessary expense immediately connected to the request will be paid by the Client only if the request is a success. Satisfied? Oh, I didn’t caught your family name… if you have one? The introduction section referring to client identity won’t be fair to me if I only write in Dawson and gods know how many Dawsons there are.”

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“Change Immediately to Agreeably Necessary. I will not pay for a hundred-man lynch mob.” He groans. This was getting frustrating.

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“So you do know your way around contracts.”

Andar comments as if he had done no such thing like trying to cheat some money from the client.

“Can you give me a gold or two for expense? Or am I supposed to provide that myself for the expense?”

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“I live my way through contracts, I’ll have you know. Trying to deceive me is like trying to drink saltwater: utterly stupid and a waste of time.”

Hearing the next thing he said took him aback with annoyance.

“Why two gold? We were in the silver category.”

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“You expect me to sneak into a baron’s castle without preparation in a time frame of less than a day. Experts aren’t cheap. You want a quick, successful job, you gotta go big.”

Andar bends down and searches for another bottle under his bed.

“Not like I can’t provide my own money for the start or call favours in… but that’s not worth it for a rush job.”

“Unless you want to make it worth it?”

“Forgive me for my outburst, but with your consistent attempts to try to badger me for more, I have to take all things you state with an additional ten grams of salt.”

“I am feeling generous, so yes. I will provide you with 120 Silver Pieces for your plan in excess, 20 now and 100 after.”

Muttering under his breath. “Don’t even need that shit anyway.”

( @Shurian )

Going to sleep, you find yourself face up in a field. Fire engulfs the landscape around you, and a hellish atmosphere dominates the skies. You see a hellish recreation of the forest which contained your village, ceaselessly burning with cries out for help coming from it.

Andar stares at Dawson incredulously.

“You think experts are cheap? I need the money in front for hiring them. Men like me that allows payment at the back is a rarity. 20? Give me 80 at least to cover a good thief and good muscles.”


Dawson looks on with a smirk, “No, actually 130 with given proof that you did indeed spend it on what you said you did even if you fail. That’s far more reasonable for you, isn’t it?”

“You’re a funny guy.”

Andar tilts his head. Whoever heard of someone bargaining to pay more? Oh, he’s adding a ridiculous requirement for it. Never mind.

“Reasonable for a devil maybe. You expect me to collect proof from errand boys, bandit and mercenary groups, informants spy network, and thief organisation? That’s like not paying me at all seeing the first half can’t read or write even with a noose around their neck for proof and the second half will put my neck around a noose if I ever ask for proof.”

“You are smarter than most, I’ll give you that. How about 150 with no requirements attached whatsoever in addition with all the other parts of the contract as long as it happens?” Giving a slight smirk given Andar’s frustration at the ridiculous cost.


For the first time since the negotiation starts, Andar lets himself grin.

“Give me the money and I’ll start preparation in a hurry.”

1 Gold and 50 Silver! He’s crazy rich, baby!

He chuckles. “Be a proper gentleman and shake my hand.” Dawson states with a slightly threatening, yet neutral disposition.

He extends his hand out.

Andar, however, does not answer the calling.

“You should probably sign the contract before shaking anyone’s hand.”

The second bottle in his hand is empty. Even so, he holds it as if it still has some drink inside.

“It’s a faith gesture I do, I would appreciate it if you would accept.”

“A handshake is also a prime opportunity to draw blood for dubious magic and to kill someone.”

Andar crosses his arms. His eyebrows furrows, as if he just realises something.

“You know what, I think you should hire One Eyed Zel in Rose Gold Inn instead.”

Andar takes a leather pouch, containing 20 silver, and throws it to Dawson, waving him away.

“Here’s your 20 silver. Sorry for the trouble. Just think of this as something that never happen.”

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“You were completely correct in your guess that I was trying to curse you. I am a Demon in a human’s skin, and I was planning on you betraying me so that I would gain ownership of your soul for my own purposes.”


For a while, Andar stands still in front of his window sill.

He couldn’t process everything for a moment, leaving his mind in torment. Did he just avoid death? A demon or not, working under a demon or someone claiming to be a demon won’t end nicely.

“Well,” he says after a while. “guess I’ll be drinking tonight.”

And that night, Andar drinks enough to get drunk.

Leaving his house he adjusted his clothing, sword across his back and whistle around his neck. To a foreigner it would look very unusual but anyone from Adiart itself would recognise the purpose, to call for companions if needed. Shy as ever though, he kept to himself making sure to see that other citizens were safe and happy and at a few occasional houses he quietly spoke “Good day to you all, if you need help you know where to find me. I shall make sure everyone else is safe and that nothing bad is going on.” and in front of a small shrine he observed before responding “Preaching the blue dragon’s code… It’s important to make sure you’re not too loud. I taught you about those voices of other gods. Do not be too slow to move back to your homes”

Bowing, he moved back out of the area, keeping a fairly straight face and not showing too much emotion as he made his way towards the centre of town… The port seemed as peaceful as ever and the forest was a second home. The only slight annoyance was the higher-ups in the castle. Nobody there had to go through killing someone they had trusted near and dear at such a young age… Why him? With those thoughts in his head he simply sighed “I guess some things never change… At least it’s safe and we have our families and friends. That’s all that is important”

“I didn’t mention it right after your question for convenience. It could as well be linked to the group of the blood god. Care if I take a look at the scrolls?”
He dismisses his laid down posture to go back at a straight up one, as if now serious — and, internally, heartfelt by someone displaying unsatisfaction with the monarch.
