The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

addison decides to Take a walk around the town

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Laughing loudly Draco simply started to walk towards the group, once again ignoring the other manā€¦ Boy did he hate anyone who seemed Royal at all ā€œIf it exists then teach me. Iā€™ve killed one of your group before, another wouldnā€™t be that difficult. Yet I seek not to fight if possible and instead to learn so I may teach others the truthā€ A small scar was visible on his cheek from a fight with his old teacherā€¦ Almost a cult symbol but it was more ironic since they were the ones defeatedā€¦ Not him

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Henry: Turns to Draco.
If you wish to learn than learn you will. Join the circle.
His eyes seem to flicker

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Walking towards the middle of the group, he stayed slightly on the outside almost paralysed with fear ā€œIf you try to get me to join youā€¦ My wolf and sword shall be your end. How about you teach me without using any magic or incantationsā€¦?ā€

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Henry: Magic? None shall be used. On another note, what type of wolf is that? It looks almost feral.

Staying in the centre he calmly breathed ā€œIā€¦I was given him as a companion by my old teacherā€¦ Before I had to kill him. Itā€™s all thst cult leaderā€™s fault! Why didnā€™t I kill that man when I had the chance?ā€

Henry: Killing. Death. Such simple things. Yet mortals make it so hard. Why is that?

ā€œThe blue dragon code of conductā€¦ It is forbidden to kill another suspect of the realm unless you are a knight, hunter or Princeā€¦ Unless itā€™s a public trialā€ he smiled, feeling proud to state the code

Henry: Forbidden? Peasants cannot kill yet you can? It hardly seems fair for a King to prohibit his subjects from doing things that are a necessity in nature.

Drawing his sword, he took a slightly aggressive stance ā€œIt is merely down to trainingā€¦ I didnā€™t get this way by serving wine or snooping into peopleā€™s houses. The King is a fool and we all know it but that doesnā€™t mean our rules are wrongā€¦ What are yours exactly?ā€

( :frowning: )

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Henry: I follow orders, the same as you. We only have one rule: be loyal to Mithras. Also, do not think your blade will intimidate us. We who are loyal are protected.

while walking addison notices conversation
ā€Whats Going on hereā€?

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Shaking slightly he tried to maintain his balance ā€œWā€¦Wellā€¦ You can do anything? No rules is too chaotic. Anarchy is just too muchā€¦ What do you seek with my kingdom?ā€ he said towards Henry before turning to addison ā€œWe are discussing the cultā€™s so called Godā€¦ Iā€™m interested in what caused my teacher to change in such a terrible mannerā€

Henry: Terrible you say? Was it not just the opening of his eyes? Was he not more passionate, more lively? What about that is terrible?

ā€oh okayā€
addison remains there

Crying slightly he closed his eyes ā€œNā€¦Noā€¦ He lunged at me with red eyes, he was so close that I could hear whispers from something Iā€™ve never heard beforeā€¦ I was forced to kill him, my class were starting to go mad and if the wolves had escapedā€¦ Our kingdom could have been in dangerā€ His whistle had a small etching on the bottom stating his teacherā€™s name. A paladin who became a cultistā€¦ It was quite upsetting for him

Trying to smile to the lady, but failing to do so he spoke to the lady ā€œWhat brings you to these forests anyway? Itā€™s quite far from townā€

Henry: You say you heard the whispers, and yet you deny His existence? He whispers to those he favours. Your teacher was a very privileged man, and it seems you are too. Once He has a plan you cannot stop Him, and His plan involves you. Why fight it?

Shaking his head furiously he tried to think of somethingā€¦ Anything else than what he was hearing ā€œThatā€™s impossibleā€¦ I didnā€™t do anything. I just did what was right. I ended the life of someone against us. Thereā€™s no reason your god would want me, itā€™s just a voice I heardā€¦ A hallucinationā€¦ My teacherā€™s change mustā€™ve harmed me, thatā€™s allā€ Denialā€¦ A simple and yet potent stage of grief, but with what happened it seemed he was always in every stage, cycling constantly ā€œIf your god was realā€¦ Why was I able to kill him there? He must not care about anyoneā€¦ His teachings are wrongā€¦ I cannot believe in them, telling me to leave the Blue Dragon and follow him. What mad man would dare?ā€

You all hear a loud shout.
ā€œWhat in all hell are you blabberinā€™ about?ā€