The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

(Sure, I think I have enough time to go through it)

(How long is he gonna be unconscious)



ā€œ-And that is why he said to me the day before it all happened. He told me the new Captain should be Cedarā€ Parn points to Cedar after he finished his long winded speech about the great actions of the Captainā€™s life and his sacrifice.

Parn then signals for Cedar to come up to the stand and speak.

This is all happening at the harbor of Xed, where the Captainā€™s body has already been laid down in a tomb in the capital building, which was renamed to the Black Stache Memorial. The ceremonies were done by a GD missionary who was on a pilgrimage there.

ā€who are youā€

ā€œWhoā€¦ar-My name is Arthur Coffersā€ The man first spoke in a daze then near instantly gave the real answer with an automatic tone of voice.

ā€Why were you collecting poisonā€

ā€œI was collecting poison because I wonā€™t te-. I was collecting poison for an Alchemist. They pay a pretty decent amount for things like that.ā€ Arthur says the truth in horror. He would certainly die for this.

(Anything happened, guys?)
He took the box, slightly shaking it first and then attempting to open it.
@Geyde even if u already saw


addison remembers What he wanted to say
ā€From now on you will follow My commandsā€

The man sniffles, looking down at his hands in horror. They betrayed him utterly, and he was completely privy to the command of this evil.

He cannot control his body, thus he kneels before the herbalist.

He loses control of his voice, he cannot speak without being commanded to. Thus he states ā€œI am under your command. Completely and utterly.ā€

The box seems trapped by an invisible force. The idea that the box requires you to be alone in order to open it projects itself into your mind.

Most definitely not your thought, it is chilling to say the least.

addison continues questioning
ā€Tell me about yourselfā€

Cedar takes a deep breath as he walks forward towards the stand amazed that he didnā€™t trip over on the way there. His hands lay on top of it as he looks towards the crowd in front of him.
ā€œBrothersā€¦ sistersā€¦ I would like to say that this manā€™s name is truly meant to be given with pride. Black Stache had saved me from the breath-taking depths of the ocean when he found me in a tiny basket. It felt disheartening not knowing who were the ones that had created me, but thanks to him and the rest of the crew, the empty void that laid inside me had been filled. He was like a father I never hadā€¦ and I would never have it any other way. Even now, I would never imagine myself taking on his mantle, but I am starting to learn a lesson that isnā€™t only helpful to me, but to all of us. I had felt bad for having to take his place after Black Stacheā€™s passing thinking that I will soil his name, but I realized that the exact opposite is the truth. It is not a form of disrespect, it is a form of remembrance and honor. All of ya actions are part of a way to keep his legacy alive and we must keep him in our hearts. Even if his body is no longer with us, his spirit will be watching over us giving us the power to keep goingā€¦ā€
Cedar closes his eyes trying to hold back tears but he feels a warm feeling in his chest knowing that what he said was the absolute truth.

Still on his knees, he begins to bow before Addison.

ā€œI am but a simple man, living out opportunities to become something greater. I was abandoned as a child, taken up by a guild of mercenaries off to the South.ā€

ā€œI do contract work, so many could call me something along the lines of a Bounty Hunter. I kill targets, thugs, and the like for pay. I was assigned the mission to kill one of the nobles by the Alchemist for an incredibly large sum.ā€

Cheers are heard from the crowd of pirates and the citizens.


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ā€That money could be useful to meā€ addison thinks for himself
ā€How were you planning to kill him?ā€

His first reaction was to throw it away, however in the presence of his comrade he just laid it down the faster he could.
ā€” I donā€™t even want to open this. Burn it.

Cedarā€™s smile is gentle and his eyes are filled with inner peace. All the doubt that had plagued him before had vanished. Maybe he can be a good Captain after all even if his experience is lacking. No matter what, he must fight in Bukā€™s name and fulfill his dying wish. He is ready to dethrone the King of Adiart once and for all.

Walking around in the forest usually is a dangerous exercise. Tonight, however, there seems to be a lacking number of wild animals around.

Andar stumbles into the scene, staring emptily at Addison and the man.

"A maiden and a man going to the wood, huh, " says Andar to himself. The thought makes him snicker.

ā€œGood rumour for the street, good rumour for the street.ā€