The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Of course.” Arthur takes the darts, also pulling out his axe. He proceeds to attempt to find Andar in order to inject the darts into him as Addison had commanded him.

(Geyde smites that guard)


(The guard dies and the angry knight starts saying “oh shit oh fuck” repeatedly)

addison picks his crossbow and follows bounty hunter
“just in case” he thinks for himself

(Geyde tells Cheesy to stop using this thread for OOC talk)

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Why was she still alive? Everyone else was dead, the ones that she cared about anyway. Why did they die?

Why? Why…

Don’t cry? But… he died! Right before her eyes! In pain…
Despite her trying to open her mouth, she couldn’t. Something was holding her back, something far more complex than she could have imagined.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 12

“Well, I can avenge the booze as well as the Captain when I get to the pit.”

Andar wanders all the way to a village in that time. Surprisingly enough, it isn’t burning and the people are completely normal.

(bounty hunter doesnt find him?)

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 2

The recesses of Arthur’s mind wrestle for control of his controlled body. While unsuccessful, it causes him to fall over in a daze.

He almost instantly loses his sense of direction when he gets back up, unable to determine where he even is now.

“I… I fear too much. It seems like it won’t settle down until I open it.”
He looks at you.
“I apparently need to be alone to do that”

Andar wanders around until he sees a village. He must have wandered very far from the capital to see a village, but the thought doesn’t cross his mind at the time.

“Sweet. Just in time for a refill.”

He goes down to look for a bar.

Ryan cries, burying his head in her arms. He looks up at her with forlorn, pleading eyes.
“He forgives you! He forgives everyone! He just wants you to allow yourself into his embrace!” He sniffles, coughing between his words.

addison sighs and gives arthur hand to help him up

@discobot roll 1d20

@discobot roll 1d20