The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Where to move…? It was obvious where everyone was. The voices spoke and said everything. Whispers carried upon the winds, nothing could hide anymore “Come out, come out and be seen. So everyone knows the truth. No hidden cult or unseen can escape from my sights”

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The child falls onto the ground, with an audible snap signifying the crack of his neck.

He…no. IT gets up instantly. It stares directly at you.

The child which you once knew disassembles before your very eyes. First his eyes burn away like wax burned to make a candle. They melt before you, seeping onto the ground. A hellfire appears from the holes where the eyes once were.

The child’s jaw TEARS itself open, making a horrifying snap. The jaw hangs loose as fire gushes from it toward Faris, the heat reminding her of weakness and inability to save Ryan.

The very earth itself coalesces, breaking into shards which brutally pierce the stomach of the child. Blood flows out in waves, freely and endlessly.

Faris can still hear the cries, the last words of Ryan. This…abomination was toying with her.

She can now see the true form…of Mithras.

It cannot be explained. It cannot be worded. It simply…is.

Realising where Addison is, he simply started to move “Come on out unseen! You know you cannot hide from me… I see all and hear even your faintest breaths”

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One of the less rowdy men calls out to the coinbearer, waving a bottle o’ moonshine, “Who’re ye? I’d be willing to take yer coin for a bottle. Come over here and we’ll have a grand old time!” His speech seems genuine despite the clear lack of communication skills.

The man who was off to the side, now out of view, starts to approach Andar silently.

“Just a lover of booze gettin’ lost in forest.”

Andar laughs and approaches the group. He is oblivious of the man approaching him.

She could not feel anything. Watching the Ryan dying another time just made her realise.

Why was she even here? Why was she even thinking?


He had turned into nothing but a puppet.
Were they all puppets to this god?
Mere slaves?
She couldn’t accept it.
All her family were sacrificed to this farce of a god?
How shameful. What a failure she was.

She should have attacked from the beginning.
This god… can’t be a god of hers.

@Geyde I opened the box )

addison notices hunter
he quickly swallows few pills

The drunkard has a hearty laugh. “You’re a good one. Here! Have one on the house!” He tosses him a bottle of moonshine, also completely oblivious of his surroundings.

The man gets within a few feet of Andar, then turns to leave. He mistakenly steps on a branch and a loud cracking sound can be heard.

(got it



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he gets a lot of strenght from that
he then turns around to town and runs at his full speed wich seems to be faster than any normal human could

Vilhelm opens the box. All that it contains is a single tome, albeit extremely thick. If you were to pick it up, it would be quite heavy.

Adorning the tome is an insignia for a group long since warn to time, you can’t quite recall what it even could represent.

soon enough addison arrives to town

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Zynx is in a hunting mood for some reason

“Butler, can you prepare my Hunting gear please? We’re going to go hunting in the forest for those wild beasts!”

Interesting. He gives slight taps in the sides of the box as if pressumpting an illusion, and then remember the pact with Richard and says in a screaming volume “Everything is right. No scrolls. Only a… is this some necrominicon or a grimoire?
He proceeds to mutter the rest to himself as he opens the time.

As a side effect of the pills, you are soon enough fatigued and cannot run any more. You are now on the outskirts of a town. You can see Castle Adiart in the far distance, but it’s a long ways away from here.

“these should remove any side effect” he thinks for himself while taking another pair of pills

addison continues running to town

On the first page reads…a warning.

To those that attempt to open this, do not. I have sealed away its contents from those who would attempt to use it for nefarious means (or to kill another in their immediate vicinity), and as such will appear as a pile of strewn notes for them. Follow my words and shut this away IMMEDIATELY.

The warning was most assuredly written in blood.