The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“If you don’t do anything, they die. If you do, they may die. Make your choice.”
About the knights, work done — he wasn’t a physician, and the one who came along could reunite more if needed. He looks at the child and approaches.

(He didnt inject anything lethal)

The guard doesn’t expect it and falls to the ground, getting a chuckle out of his peers.
“Very funny, all.”
He looks up and sees your face
“Well didn’t expect that. Younger than i thought you were, lad.”

he rubs his nose

One of the other guards laugh and casually pat the fallen guard’s head.
“You’re actually useless at interrogation.”
Alright, what’s your name, and what in all heck were you doing…”
The guard looks back to the rest of their squad
“What was he doing?”
“*He was impersonating a physician.”
Impersonating a physician?!

“Yes, sir.”
*They get to work on aiding the fallen.

The child looks up at you as you approach.

”Names ulric” he Says
”And i am not impersonating physician”

“It’s not a good scene to see. Move along.”
childcaring 100.
He looks back to the battlescene.

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The child stares at you, then continues to look at the scene, unmoving.

“Ulric, huh?”
“Who are you under, or what do you work for?”

He simply takes the child by the arm, but gives up on pushing and proceeds to walk alongside the horse, leading it by hand.

”What do you care?”
he tenses up a little bit

“Please let me go.” They say, calmly.

I care because it helps verify you.”
Now answer the question.

”I come from another land And I dont work here”

He let the child’s hand and proceeded to see how the herbalist guys were doing.

They are still interrogating the herbalist.
Then why were you trying to enter a camp that clearly was from our land?
The guard turns back towards his mates.
You wouldn’t need to do that otherwise!

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(How would they know it was me

(you ran away when they eyed you)

“So we have a spy?” He says softly, not announcing his arrival.