The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Parn slams his fist on the table in an attempt to jar Cedar.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 19

Andar release his grip, raising his hands to head height.

ā€œOh fine and well, fine and wellā€¦ā€

Then he tries to strike the bottle to the manā€™s head the moment his back is turned.

Parnā€™s vicious battering of the table wielded victory in moments after his first strike. The tableā€™s main support shuddered, causing the other side to seesaw into hitting Cedar directly to the jaw.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 10

As, seeing Andarā€™s relent, turns around and tries to go on his way. He furrows his brow completely unaware to the bottle streaking directly toward his head.

The hit registers, cracking the bottle due to itā€™s shoddy construction.

The man reels in pain, falling to his knee.

ā€œFiend! You dare strike a holy man!ā€ He barks with an accusatory tone at Andar.


Zynx goes up to the guard and asks

ā€œWhere is this so called camp located exactly?ā€

With the amount of brash trauma directed at Cedarā€™s jaw from the table, he throws up a stream of vomit before he collapses onto his back.
ā€œW-Whet de bloddy hell?!ā€
He can barely move his jaw as itā€™s now swollen.

The guard looks on with a stern, unyielding expression. ā€œState your purpose.ā€

Richard doesnā€™t hear you enter at first, still engrossed in the rumors.

The Golden Dragon will be a hindrance, he thinks to himself. Perhaps I should sent people to sow discord thereā€¦

After noticing you enter, he sets down his papers and gets up.

ā€œI assume you have composed yourself, friend?ā€

ā€œThe Duke told me that this man was seen at a soldierā€™s camp claiming to be a Physician, and Iā€™ve seen this man in one place quite a few times so maybe I could help clear things up a bitā€.

Parn appears to be completely shocked at the turn of events, yet he still has a slightly sinister smirk emblazoned on his disposition. Heā€™s fucking enjoying your pain, the sadist.

ā€œThis is just fuckng great moiity. Iā€™m in awe of your inability to hold a drink.ā€

Noticing nothing of interest, Lillian decides to head to the forest to hopefully gather some herbs for potion making.

You arrive at the forest.

(Roll a d20)

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 10


Andar holds the broken bottle in front of his temple, as if to inspect it.

"Hey, chill, man. Holy or not, you canā€™t trust a man that refuses a free drink. Also, "

He points at the man with the jagged end of the bottle.

ā€œIā€™m not scared of any holy man after staring to the eyes of a demon, you know?ā€

ā€œDefine what you plan by ā€˜clear things up a bitā€™ā€ The guardā€™s gaze is still unmoving. He cares not what is happening immediately.

He perceives after about five seconds that he just invaded a bedroom.
ā€œOh Iā€™m sorryā€
He proceeds to close the door.
ā€œSort of. The thing really have gone up my head. Talkingā€¦ About the box, I think it is better for it to be here. I travel around too much to look over it, my dukedom is at the minimum a day from travel and I canā€™t really ensure no one will take a peek while I am away. At the moment, it is hidden under the bedroom Iā€™m currently staying onā€