The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“It is not anarchy if we are lead by the gods. In fact, everyone is lead by the gods — should they refuse or accept it.”
Nice. It probably was Henry.
“Where had this cultist that you speak well of gone?”

“I am unsure… He went missing when I had left with the lady. I told him about becoming a hunter and what my true wishes are… I even defended him and his group when knights questioned me. I’ve killed cultists before and yet I couldn’t kill him since he was nice… I can tell you what I told him if you wish” he said, not really able to flee since his companion was down and wouldn’t be able to leave with him until healed

“I would be interested in hearing such”

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“It all started when a cult leader invaded my school… I was trained in a class of hunters, my teacher helped me tame this wolf and gave me my equipment… On the day of the invasion the leader came into our class and converted our teacher, once a paladin he started to change and I started to grow in anger as my once trusted ally lunged at me. I had to kill him and yet when he was slowly choking me I heard it, voices, quiet whispers from another world… It must all be a delusion, it’s not possible. I killed my teacher and kicked the cult leader out with the help of my class, yet I still have a scar from my changed teacher. A cult symbol on my cheek. That’s how I came to be known as the great purifier” he said, crying slightly “Now, if I was you, I’d go for a walk to find that cultist. Stay away from me or else I’ll strike. I saved your friends once, surely we are even enough for you to leave me. An ally of a hunter, sounds good right? You can teach me anything you want and I can teach you about the blue dragon code of conduct in return… Make everything safer”

There was no plan to help the cult per se but it was difficult not to due to his teacher… So he wanted to stay neutral to them, willing to learn and everything but leave unchanged so he could continue on his job

“A cult leader invaded the place? That is really odd. We never assault places. The blood of Mithras guides people to us.” The paladin story was way too relatable to her, once a priestess. Another one who learnt that you couldn’t fight or even resist the darkness, only embrace or be devastated by it.
She then proceeded to examine the symbol closely. “It is not the mark of a purifier. Purification, in fact, is an useless effort. The forces of Mithras are only deceiving — but they can’t be stopped, nor hidden. You are instead marked to something greater, that the gods will reveal when the time is due.”
She proceeds to stare into the hunter’s eyes “Of course, you could come with me to study it in advance, preparing yourself to make the most use of it when the time comes”
Recomposing herself with a deep breath, she studies the menacing words of alert in order to pick her next words. “You agreed to learn and halfways threw out the typical fear of the unitiated ones. It is progress, of sorts, and I may praise on how forward you are in comparison with others of your kin, screaming what they believe without paying attention to any other sides”
She extended her arm, now stretched making several religious marks visible, good deities and the two gods in overlay “So, come with me?”

You hear a subtle rustle, in what seems to be in the canopy level of the trees. It seems to be quite out of place, as you think you heard a grunt right after it.
The air is still again quickly after, however.

Quickly looking all around, eyes darting to all areas he tried to hear what was disturbing the forest “I…I’ll come with you but what’s there exactly? It’s probably best to figure this out before leaving, right? It could be anyone and it’s best not to move too suddenly” The talk about the markings being for something greater was completely frightening but at least they didn’t seem to be just jumping for an attack or conversion so everything was fine and the praise made him feel slightly better, blushing a tiny bit “Who’s there? Show yourself if ye be an ally of the Blue Dragon!”

“I obviously could not reveal the exact location, but if you accept to be blinded or unconscious along the way…” She also looked around, instead believing it to be divine phenomena and complementing the final line of the hunter “Fear nothing, brethren”

There is no further movement.

It possibly is the gods rejecting my words. Well, at the worst we would gain sacrifice.

“Fine… Then I guess we should be off. I accept to be blinded for now” he said since he was familiar to the forest. Perhaps it could work out and he’d get some sort of idea about the area, even if it wasn’t so simple to directly picture it since at least as long as he could feel forest floor, he’d be confident in his home area “I’m not fearful… I trust in your words at this time, don’t make me regret it”

She approaches, moving her two fingers at the corner of your eyes. “Blind”
The feeling after that was the most uncanny possible. You were not immediately impeded from seeing, but it was also as if every other sensation at your body went on a drugged state. You couldn’t hear the ambient sound, but only your heartbeats and respiration. Your flair couldn’t anymore smell the freshness of the forest, but a slight bloodlike smell that probably came from yourself. You couldn’t even feel the air as you were in movement, only the friction against the floor and her hand, now warmer than before.

Unable to sense most things, he just tried to concentrate and stay calm… For now it was peaceful, a lot more than usual… The only worrying thing was the blood smell which he wasn’t used to except from when he had killed in the past as he tried to talk “It’s alright… I’m ready to move out with you” At least the feeling of the forest floor wasn’t fully gone which was the most important thing for him, attempting to speak again “The whispers aren’t here…? I cannot hear the gods now. You are indeed powerful”

She started to lead you midst the forest, entering it in a way deeper “The whispers? No, they have never been muted. As a conduit between the human and divine, you shall hear the gods as long you shall hear me. They have never been silenced and neither they can be, only concilied in another forms. I have no power, I channel the power of those I adore”.
Again moving the blood rune of her hand to her eye, she let the remaining energy of the gods lead where this hunter should be lead to.

Faris enters the forest, walking along the forest trail she knew all so well, back to her village.

The village was gone. But she needed to retrieve some things.

It was like his mind was a fog, most parts were completely hazy and yet there was something which remained… The whispers…? Perhaps they were there but they were a lot quieter at least, the lady was certainly devout though and that did make it fascinating. He wasn’t worried about where he was being taken but there was a lot to learn and teach “The gods have power yet I also try to deny their existence. As Blue Dragon, we are supposed to deny any cult signs and yet I know of some. I guess you will make me realise more. At least we’re still in a good place” he said since he was glad to feel the floor hadn’t changed… Yet at least

She arrives at the vill- or what was of it anyway.

There was nothing but a char pit. All of it burned down, Charcoal covers where the heart of the humble village once stood.

She could only kneel down and despair at what was left of her village.
However, her eyes couldn’t force any tears out. Not at all. The well had run dry.

She got up. And started searching in the ruins. The ashes flew as she best around a certain area…

“The signs are the way our gods communicate with us. We don’t need them as faith marks to prove their existence, but as a way to guide and lead us. Nevertheless, it confirms their presence.”
She was making the way to the Cult coven, but deliberatedly made a turn in the opposite direction. If it wasn’t a hunter, a normal person being lead this way probably couldn’t tell how the way suddenly changed. Feeling again the way, the gods didn’t want him to be inside the headquarters… At least not for now.
“Why exactly do you deny their existence even if you can see, hear and feel them?”

The change of direction was certainly unusual and yet perhaps there was a reason. It wasn’t a cause for concern “Why…? I have no choice, it is only a necessity for our faction. Blue Dragon code of conduct rule 66, any form of hallucination is to be resolved immediately. A paladin or high priestess will have to exorcise you or you shall be executed. It’s to prevent Blue Dragon members from hearing the Gods and yet i never managed to find a paladin or priestess I could trust”

Once protected by a holy spell, the long, thin curved sword lay buried in the ashes, where her house once lay.

Old Priestess, I can’tave thanked ya enough.
The other two weapons of interest… however, were rendered unusable by the cursed fire.

No bones remained.
No traces. None at all.

It’s time to go. My tears have run dry.
She left the village, this time heading towards the capital.
@discobot roll 1d20

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