The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Marian walks towards the ship with determination. She knows that her plan will work, she’ll create an army in no time. In fact, Marian is so caught in her thoughts that she barely notices a strange cloaked figure nearby. When she finally notices, she takes a step back away from it with caution.
“What the hell are you? You don’t look like any of the other pirates here.”

Broken from a state of contemplation he so commonly engaged, he looks to Marian in a sudden way.
“I am a mage. A mage from…” Fast, say the name of a place of the crusader wars! “Al…” Wait, Alnester should be where we are. Oh shit, I don’t remember any. “The west. I look on how to go to the Blue Dragon” At the worst he would be considered a weirdo and left alone, so trying was worth it.

She crosses her arms and raises her left eyebrow towards the figure.
“What business do you have with the Blue Dragon?”

“I need to discover the origin of this book” He shows up the book he always carried everywhere, a tome revested by heavy leather and with the archaic symbol of the Blue Dragon on its front.

Marian stares at the book looking more fascinated by the second.
"What’s in that little book of yours?’

He opens the book to reveal blank pages.
“I am also decepcionated by this. But as a mage I know it has a history behind.”

She puts a hand towards a chin and glares at the mage.
“What kind of mage are you? There’s plenty of types out there, so I’m sure you’re a real special one.”

He conjurates a rapidly-rising flame from one of his hands, putting it down by closing it.
“Red mage. Pyromancers. Fire”
The color of his clothing said the same.

Marian breathes out a short sigh.
“Damn it. I was hoping you would be a mage that could resurrect the dead. We need more men at this point, but it seems nobody wants to listen to me.”

Oh my god I refuse to follow please tell me she isn’t a cultist or something.
“I knew some necromancers. Ironicallly they a… should be all dead now.”

“Fuck… then maybe you can help me find materials I can use to reanimate people and have our army grow to take down our foes!”

“I don’t mind helping with that” He united both hands, as if he was a prayer or something at the liking “I want to go to the Blue Dragon”

“Then we shall have a deal! If you help me find what I need to bring corpses back to life, I’ll take you to where the Blue Dragon are at since the crew and I are heading over there after the Cap negotiates with the Golden Dragon.”

Deeply down she should have felt as if something was wrong, while not exactly knowing what and why.
“Let’s see for some books. First, where those books would be. Not in mundane libraries, maybe in ruins or by dealing with the cult”

Suddenly, Marian felt a chill down her spine. She becomes a bit more concerned.
“Did you say Cult?! Do you know how dangerous those cultists are?! If we step one foot on their territory, we’ll be their next sacrifice!”

After a while, you see that the horses appear and are stationed, and Prince Lars and another noble walk to where near where you two are standing.

“Oh, look! It’s Vilhelm and… Richter?” The noble asks.
“Richard. It’s Richard, Barry.” Lars replies.
“Anyway, why did you not come with us to hunt today?” The noble, Barry Nefjer asked.
(I’m kinda weak in understanding so if im bad soz :P)

You check and, well it’s just Andrew’s attempt to get your attention.

Oh, yes. People normally fear the cult. That is understandable.
“They have necromancy. Abandoned cult places?”

“As long as they aren’t occupied by anyone, I guess that’ll work, but it’s best we remain cautious. We don’t know if they have any traps lying around.”

“To get info on where they are we would need to search the cruzade logs. Then it should be better to rob from all churches until we find something.”