The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“I’m not sad to step out of this creepy place for a bit. See ya.”
Marian opens the door to the exit and closes it leaning by a wall near it.

The smith smiles. Recommendations are his best suit, and since this woman seems quite wealthy, he could pull some things off and show the true collection.
“Hang on a moment, I’ll grab some stuff from the back. They’re the best things in my arsenal.”

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Lillian shrugs, just as confused as she is.

“I thought it might have been you at first, but I guess I was wrong. Something compelled me to come here. I saw a… an abomination around here as well?”


I cannot be truly revived. I cannot be freed from this book.

However, we can brainwash her here.

Page 87 is on cult conversion. I would advise you to read it unless you have a better plan in mind.

The woman looks surprised. She tilts her inquisitively.
“An abomination? Could you describe it in greater detail?”

(keep going)

He opens the page and went to read, still deciding whether to convert or not. Partially anxious if the devil could read his lack of certainty.

Standing next to this young lass, she feels like she lives in a completely different world from her.

Rich’uns do apply a different aura around them. Can’t deny that even after 20 years.

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Zynx notices the other woman there

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Lillian feels a bit apprehensive at her curiosity, edging her way to the door.

“Sure, but… Why do you want to know? You never answered what you’re doing in the middle of nowhere as well.”

On Conversion.

By our lord Mithras has blessed us, granting us the power to bring those who may not see our side the ability to understand. Through this, he has told us that we must help the non-believers to see the truth.

In order to convince a person normally unwilling to join us to join, one must first make an incision on the target using a ritual dagger. Bind them to the ritual table or use the Ceremonial Blood Staff.

  • Then, the person (if screaming) must stop. This may be done by physical means if necessary.

  • They must be blinded, and unable to see.

  • They must only hear the cult, anything relating to the cult, or their own name. Any outside noise must be removed.

Through this, they cannot sense anything other than the words of Mithras. His spirit will come to welcome them into his embrace. They will wake anew.

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Lillian starts to see–double of the woman. There is a second, blurry version of her. In fact, everything is starting to look blurry.

Wait, what kind of drug did she use that I can’t detect?? Fucking hell…

Lillian drinks a crimson potion and makes her way to the door slowly, if she can. She’s panicked, although she tries not to show it. There’s only so much she can handle in a day.

“What did you do to me, ‘Jill!’”

Jill walks toward Lillian, far outpacing her. She shoves her to the ground, then lifts up her chin with a snide disposition.

“The oldest trick in the book.”

“Seems fine. Any way you would want to be carried around?” He was looking for a box or something of the likeness in he room, in a logical sense not to openly carrying a pretty screwed up cult book.

Of course.

Lily manages a scowl, too bewildered to move. (eh? get it? bewilder? okay no one appreciates my puns :c )

“So, who are you really?”

He ends up finding a box used to storage candles. Quite small, but should do. He put it over the table.
“I fear one thing, though. I am pretty sure most cultists would better see me at the sacrifice table at the most, and with three knifes on the chest at the least”

Andar ends up returning to his safe house to think it through.

His identity as a candidate to the throne, by some party, has been found. He is no longer safe in Adiart. Maybe not safe as long as he lives and has a claim on the throne. He can leave Adiart, that’s one option. But it means living in hiding and on the run. No longer able to drink all night, sleep the morning by, eat breakfast, take a nap, date with a local girl, then drink all night.

Really, that sounds like a pain.

"Time to return, I guess, " Andar says, sighing.

He doesn’t like it, but it’s his only other choice now that somehow his identity is uncovered.

Time to knock on the castle’s door.

Dropping any formalities, she starts cackling.
“I’m Jill!”

A light begins to appear around her hand, and your world goes black.

(knocked out not killed)

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