The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

sans uses his gaster blasters to push the cargo

*heh. i cant really do this myself. just dont overdo it.

sans also stands to the left


Through the combined efforts of Sans and the crew, the ship is finally stable.

Cedar breathes a sigh of relief and looks towards Sans.
ā€œYa know, ya actually pretty useful. I donā€™t mind having ya stay here until we reach our destination.ā€

It takes a second for Lily to process what happened.

ā€œā€¦What the hell was going on?! Why am I in Jillā€™s body?? Okay, calm down, one thing at a time. This is probably reversible. Hopefully.ā€

Lily stoops down, putting two fingers under her bodyā€™s chin, feeling for a pulse.

There is nothing.

Itā€™s cold.

ā€¦Shit. Okay, so sheā€™s stuck now. One thing at a time. Donā€™t hyperventilate.

Lily takes a second to compose herself, taking a closer look at the symbol on ā€˜herā€™ hand after she does.


On the palm of your hand you can see a symbol not belonging to any faction youā€™ve heard of. There are three sets of indigo eyes all connected by a central mark from which all of them are the same distance. From those eyes branch out a line.

The lines end in a curve.

Upon further investigation, you can determine that itā€™s a rune of some sort. Is it magical?

Magical runes? Worth testing laterā€¦ If I donā€™t manage to get my body backā€¦

In the meantime, Lily takes the bag(and anything else of worth) off of her old body and explores the cottage, seeing if thereā€™s anything she can take. She moves around in half a daze, unable to believe what happened.

ā€œTell me more about Adiartā€ The masked mage puts a hand under the book as well

@CheesyKnives @Mercenary

ā€œOh right. Sorry for the late introduction. Where is itā€¦ā€

Andar fumbles around with his pocket to take out the royal seal. He shows it to the prince and duke.

ā€œThe nameā€™s Iskandar Lionheart. Nice seeing you, brother. Cousin.ā€

@CheesyKnives @Damafaud
Vilhelm sips his tea, putting the now empty cup over the table.
ā€œAnd where did you come from?ā€ He looks again at Laus in unbelief. ā€œOr from which mistressā€ He hides the smile, the tone of voice still caustic, manipulating himself into believing Iskandar was just a charlatain.

ā€œBrother? Cousin?ā€

How, whatā€¦

"Explain your story, please. You say you are from our bloodline, but I have never seen you before. "

@Mercenary @CheesyKnives

ā€œCan I sit? This will be pretty long.ā€

Andar glances around the courtyard.

(i thought it was a courtyard)

( mercToday at 12:13 PM

arenā€™t they both in the courtyard?)


Food was given. Faris continues to work on his report. Not too soon, his shift ends. Another guard comes in to relieve him from paperwork. Faris gives him a nod before he heads out.

Be more exact.

ā€œI think heā€™s talking about how the locals are like, what kind of novelties they have to offer, the usual.ā€