Jaffar (Abigail’s Father) was the main Royal Physician. You have taken over since his death.
Flame walked up to the king, slightly out of breath from widly practicing her movements. F:“Who, was that, mister?” Glass walked to them, looking like she barely broke a sweat. G:“We saw them while we were training.”
“I do not know. He should not have come here. He was vague of his origin as well.” The prince responds.
G:“Mrrh. Hopefully he didn’t spot us. I Wonder… maybe we should take advantage of our tail and horns in battle, as well.”
“It is up to you. My style of fighting was built by myself after all.”
“I use my elbows for attacking, that’s what I made up. It may lack in range, but I have my sword for that.”
“Train and you will see results.”
G: Alex can only keep Andrew alive for so long. We need to find someone and quick. If they don’t heal , subdue them.
G: Heres my plan. I’m going to teleport myself into the ground… and i’ll carry you on my way up. While we’re airborne. I wan’t you to scout for any figure that resembles a human. If you find one , use your Strings of Mithras and pull them as close to Andrew’s house as possible. I’ll support you. We do that and you use Bewilderto confuse them to think that they are still in their conversation. Actually prefererably before you throw them. We hope they can treat Andrew’s wounds.
A: I don’t understand any of that…
G: Just follow my lead.
A: What do you mea-
Grea is gone.
Annabelle and Grea shoot up into the air
G: Do you see anyone?
A: Ummmmm…
A person wearing a bird-shaped mask is walking out of the castle. That seems to be a physician.
A: I see someone.
G: Good. String them ,quick!
A: Uhhh okay…
The physician sees red strings hailing down on them.
The Physician actually cannot see anything because of the damned mask.
He doesn’t seem to notice the strings.
They wrap around him.
A: Got him.
G: Alright, throw him!
Annebelle throws the physician quite a long distance.
A: Uhh , did you think about the Physician’s landing? More importantly , did you think about ours?
G: No , but I thought of something.
Grea teleports them both towards Andrews house.
G: Ok…
They both see the Physician flying towards them.
G: Just gotta get this right.
Just as the doctor’s body is about to be thrown at the two cultists , Grea teleports the physician into a well.
G: That wen’t better than expected. Bewilder him.
A: O-Ok…
Annebelle slips an illusion into the Physicians mind , making him think he needs to heal an Observer urgently.
Grea silently teleports him to the basement.
A: Phew … we did it.
G: Yep…
He starts treating Andrew.
Andrew woke up to aln old man muttering:
Phys: What an old mess this chap is , yessiree , what an old mess this chap is.
Andrew: Aghh. W-What…
Phys: All done sonny , yessiree, All done son. You’ll be fine , just rest up a bit. Rest up a bit yes.
Andrew: O-Ok.
The Physician tries to leave , but keeps hitting the wall.
Phys: OWW! Physics have gone wrong… yessiree , Physics have gone wrong!
G: Come on.
She teleports him out of the illusions range.
G: Well , i’m running out of magic. I guess I’ll rest. See you round…
Anne: You too.
Annebelle leaves the basement to sleep.
The reaper floats in the shadows by the dying prince…
He wakes up, realising he must’ve passed out
I must… Kill cult… Must kill all cult…
Except Andrew.
I’ll take them down so they cannot get away…
( @3DT_CheesyKnives )
Andrew opens his eyes at the first “kill”.
A: Hey… what do you think you’re … saying…
I must… Serve the blue dragon…
I have to do what was ordered of us all.
There’s no other choice, it’s the Blue Dragon’s code.
I wish there was another way…
A: The Blue Dragon is … lost.
A: They… do not know the way…
A: It’s why… I was called. They called me … and showed me the light.
A: I … am to weak … currently to uncover their blindness. You must tell them all. Tell them all … about the Movement.
As a hunter… I’ve had some small first aid training.
To be able to help my companions…
I…I can help stop bleeding for a good while if that’d help…
A: D-Dont worry , i-i’ve been treated. I just need a little rest.
Andrew attempts to leave the basement and climb up the stairs , but is unsuccesful.
A: Argh…