A:“Oof course! We should probably go back to our shop when we can… it’s been a while, I hope everything wasn’t stolen.” G:“I’ll find the thief and make them eat their teeths if that’s the case.” They went out the basement, Grea’s draconic features on display.
A: Thank ya.
He turns back towards Alex.
A: Now… watch this.
He touches a seemingly inconspicuous place on the wall, and holds his hand there. Suddenly , the stone brick is pushed in. You all hear a rumble ,as the blood seems to fall a great distance to a pit below. You catch a glimpsed of what seems to be a bloody arm.
A: Hey! It worked this time. Now I need to wash! I can’t go out like this!
Andrew goes outside , quietly humming.
W…What the…
Do you cult guys have magic powers?
That was… Amazing!!
He smiles as he gets up, walking back upstairs so he can wait for Andrew, trying to think of what to say to help support and spread the cult’s mission like had been asked
Peko looks at the information sheet and chirps
A:“Well, the stylish look was my fault before all the cult thing happened, to be honest.” She giggled. G:“Don’t look to happy about it, you almost killed me, remember? Besides, he ain’t even talking about me.”
Oh? What’s this here?
Walks over to the bird, gently petting it before taking the sheet, reading over it and leaving to go to town
As citizens walk around all he says is
“Come one and all to the amazing magical performances! See objects appear and disappear before your very eyes! Learn more about the famed Gods and their powerful members here in Aidart!”
He completely ignored the others who had spoken to him before he left
A:"…" G:"…" A:“Well that wasn’t very nice…” G:"…we should go to the shop. Andrew can contact us if he needs us." They nodded and went along their way. Soon back at their shop.
A hooded figure hears Alex’s talk
???: Oh. Magic , you say?
Yes, they are people with an immense magical power. I witnessed it myself
???: And where do they draw this magic from , again?
I’ve heard of things to do with Gods.
A god of darkness and a god of blood…
Something like that?
???: Hmm. Are you associated with them?
I’m friends with one of them. They said for me to spread their mission. Not sure of anything else though…
I witnessed 3 people, in a basement with blood.
That’s all
???: Lead me to them. Now.
They left, I cannot lead you anywhere for now. I can only teach you of their mission.
???: Hmph.
???: “Teach” me then.
The Cult are a group of people who wish to enlighten others and allow them to hear the God’s call. It is a small but powerful group of magic users who have been empowered by those they worship. I am proud to say that my friend is a member of theirs.
To my knowledge there’s only 3 of them for now. But they’ll probably grow their numbers even bigger so they can spread their enlightenment and make this a better place for all
???: Identify these members for me.
I only know of one of them and they wish to remain anonymous. As he is my friend, I refuse to tell you. I hope that the gods may find peace with you, oh wonderer of potential great faith
The hooded figure takes her hood off.
E: I am High Priestess Nemenaya, the main advocate of the Blue Dragon faith. Tell me who this “friend” of yours is now , or suffer the consequences.