The Throne... Roleplay Thread


???: No. He stands still as the broom repeatedly hits him in the leg.

ā€œAnd why is that?ā€ (Idonā€™tlikethatpoint.gif) She keeps relentlesly poking


J: Because I want to. He grins as he yanks the broom away. He now dances with the broom in a similar fashion to this:

(whoā€™s that?)

(check the cs thread)

(Whatā€™s the cs thread? Class suggestion?)

(Character Sheet thread)

(Whereā€™s that?)

(Fuckyoutoo.avi Iā€™m going to bed, I canā€™t deal with this shit) Annebelle litterally dabs on him



Jaxx just stops.
J: The fuck?

ā€œYou know I had to do it to emā€

(How to defeat a memelord: Become a spicier memelord)

The narrator is highly confused and tells Jaxx to go home.

J: Umā€¦

She winks at him and goes back into her shop.

Triggered that he could be outmemed by ā€œsuch a fucking normie,ā€ Jaxx now starts to repeatedly hit the store roof with the broom.


The roof stares back at him. And springs up, making him blast into space like team rocket

J: Iā€™m blasting off againā€¦
He flies into the sky.
J: This landing is gonna. be. awesome.

He lands onto the ground, with no proper footing.

J: Iā€™mā€¦ not dead? NOOOOOOOOOOOO

A:ā€œGod dammit, finally some piece and quiet.ā€ She went back in her shop to sleep.

A knock on the door can be heard.