The Throne... Roleplay Thread

“Just saying, I don’t really want 2 deaths rather than 1”

“Alright then, fetch the observers from the town. Shall we?”

“Some knights would be good too.”

“no… the guard was kill by something that is not human we need more than knight…”

“Ah, good old you and your monster talk.”

“Well if I actually believed you, I say would to get some paladins too.”

“But, there is no such thing as “not human””

“very well then… me,you,kathrine will guard the king”

I’d still suggest the Observers though.

“And actually, maybe not me. I have to take care of the jails that I’ve been left in charge with.”

Reginald wakes up from his drunken stupor. “Oh, arrr you talkin about that guard that got killed? You idiots are overlookin one facc.”

“we need someone here who can trust and all royal blood are busy right now and i don’t even think princess can help so it either YOU or YOU brother”

“Ey you, 'oly-face, why would something or someone easily kill a guard and then don’t kill the king? You seem like a smart un, you answer. Also, if by “busy” you mean currently drinking, then yes, I guess I am busy.” Magnus can barely understand a word, but it seems like the drunken guy knows something.

“talk to me agin when you are not drunk Reginald”

“Teh killer either had a grudge agenst da gard, or deir killing indiscriminately. If da drunks da onlee one hoo gits it rite, da werlds gon ta hell.” Reginald then passes out in a stupor… or did he?

“Why not get Reginald, he can drink while guarding. He can also bait the killers if he must”

“Now, I have to go feed the prisoners.”

“ah shit, he passed out.”
slaps reginald to attempt to wake him up

“Come on Reggie. Wake up please…”

“OW, GEEZ MAN! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?! I was awake!”

“And no! I am not going to be your cough 'scuse me. shacrifishe when tat ting comsh!”

“alright then, Now. May you please guard the King for me. How about I buy you all the beer and I’ll even bring it up to the throne room for you.”

Sounding soberscoffWhat, only beer? We are both royals, you know better then to only give me that! WINE,DAMMIT! WINE!!!”

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