The Unseen Sage Rework

That one isn’t that hard to fake.

Also I prefer CW 3 anyway

It said

Will convert

It doesn’t give you any meaningful info so you can just say you empowered whoever and thats that

How about to mix them all together and making him as Unique role?

Scout will never go off if a sage is around D:

Inb4 the court wizard is empowered, tornados the jailed person, bypassing the princes redirection

Sheriff sucks. No one like Sheriffs. Bully the Sheriffs!

It said WILL

If someone dies that WILL happen

Will is future

so it will nerf scout into the ground

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at least it isnt on assasin/mm
i can live with it

RNG!? Erase this thread immediately until Nuke will notice.

But but but

Tornado bypassing redirection immunity



I want to see a sage empowered
Tornados the prince and jailed person

Rip prince 2018

Sir! It wasn’t me!

It wasn’t me

I was pointing out someone else saying rng!

But Rngeus is my savior

Say that to Nuke, he have a knife.

but prince has occupy occupy immunity