The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Essentially I’m town who autoconverts to mafia when they get close to numbers
so the only way i can actually lose this game is if i die

I cant lose this game unless the game drags out

Once it reaches D5, I commit suicide.

i think i can actually protect from that with my modbias tickets

It bypasses everything lol

Yeah but my tickets also bypass everything including things that bypass everything

Unless modbias can negate the effect entirely im dedder than ded


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btw i was linked by a pseudo-mystic last night and i’m a town investigative

Hi Maximus

/vote maximus

hi celeste
hey that’s rude

Hai hai

neutral evil celeste? :thinking:

Im sorri but I got sam to slip all ze town investigatives :wink:

? wdym

When am I not a Neut Evil kek

U are Neutral investigative :thinking:

says the person yolo voting and claiming sam leaked all the town :roll_eyes:
not neutral unfortunately
