The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Is it normal that I didnt get a name yet?

Heā€™s asleep?

I will be co-hosting this along side with Mr.Pug, who has asked me to co-host based on our prior experiences. So we got 6 people for the last 4 spots. In order, Eevee, NozBugz, Marluxion, and Maximus of taken the spot due to the first come first serve basis. Agentboin and Cheesy will be backups unless Pug wants to make more spots for the increase in demand.

If he does that does that mean we have to get new alignments?

You would have to ask the Puggo.

@ The Puggo. Please, please donā€™t change my alignment.

Epic fails


(I will also say, I think itā€™s most advisable to have backups as a jic of low activity for certain people in this game)

No need to put it in parenthesis, I love when people give suggestions just not demands.

So, youā€™re Cohost, yeah?
If so, shall we add you to our PMs?

Pug is on it already.

I would love a different alignment from town no offence. Havenā€™t actually been evil in a game yet :frowning:

Litten, if you get me rerolled to anything but townā€¦
I will purposefully make a third passive which is poplio.


I kinda have been evil in all the games Iā€™ve played so far. (Excluding ongoing games.)
And I kinda expected the name Pug was gonna give me. Itā€™sā€¦ just so longā€¦

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Only two passives

I got three words in mine.

Town was only supposed to have 1 day ability. But I already broke that part xD

Dont worry mine takes up five scrolls in large text

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whats poplio?

Mine is five lines in small text.