The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Wait changing my class again

you can use abils in this time.

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If we have a full on day 1.
Then it may go badly for us due to my Nagito ability

cheeky plug love it

it’s technically d1 now


wait we can use abilities right now?

if he’s doing that

Siege of Xed SFoL 23 boiz!!!


Day abilities.
Except my passive T-T

I honestly want to modkill Firekitten rn for no reason tbh…


/Snipe FireKitten

I did it for you

Nagito Kitten


Also if I’m host, can I attach deathnotes to my modkills?

No. They can only be despair filling.
So I can inspire others with hope like my idol

hecc off PK Fire.

it’s not your game, it’s MINE. So I can add my despacito nae nae deathnote.


You shall be filled with HOPU!!!

petition to change the word killed to Despacito Nae Naed In this game only

  • yes
  • no fuck off pug

0 voters

Hey :frowning: Don’t call me fire, that’s offensive to me
I like to pride myself on actually trying in games instead of attempting to annoy everyone by spamming the chat needlessly