The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins


Actually Iā€™ll ask Pug on something.

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I once again wish for Pug to respond to my DMs

Hey if all town gets healed tonight can I just burn someone and if they are bad they die?

Pug says thatā€™s too gamebreaking. Wish Denied

But I have a passive that doubles my vote you may want me

Bad Fire

Why bad?

We dont care about your role. We just want u ded

Thatā€™s actually mean

tell us why that should make you more important than the 14 other town that may or may not want a heal tonight : P

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Double voting

I actually need a heal tonight

we can imitate that with numbers if we have town power roles protected. anything else?

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I wish for a cop check of PKR

Actually no.

I win in 2 v 2

Yā€™all donā€™t

Would I be in the 2v2?

Unless of course yā€™all have a double

whatā€™re the odds that the rest of town doesnā€™t get annoyed at you spamming and the maf is dumb enough to let you stay alive near the end of the game because of your double vote :thinking:

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You let a townie die. Thatā€™s pretty bad.

Just saying