The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Me being healed isn’t gamebreaking

Cause I have a announcement to makr

This grammer hurts me slightly…

Remeber that paragraph you typed?

It’s going right in there

I never typed that

Don’t misquote me please.


Keep your promises

Litten, if you want a heal tonight
Go to your PM thread and type
“I want a heal tonight which I can use to heal myself”

Also wishes that include do something if something else is true. Will not be accepted.

/wish that my one use abilitie gets 3 more charges

Sorry to say, but everytime I quote something, its always correct, except you did alter within the 5 minute grace period so of course it would be my word against yours now. But pretty sure other people saw it as well.

Sorry to be like this, but with big letters, it just hurts me more.

I can confirm i saw it as well.
So Sam, please don’t lie


Just thought of a good neutral idea

The knowner
Passive-Anyone who is getting voted you will know their faction
Passive-Occupy immune and night immune

Day ability-force Pardon someone who is evil.

Night ability 1-Empower-any evil will be powered and kill their target bypassing everything except if they are not BD if they aren’t it doesn’t bypass anything-1 use
Night ability 2-Lovely dat-Occupy a player if they aren’t evil

Goal win with the evils. NK or cult or unseen.

Great neutral 10/10 should you try it

No quoting your own classes. Thanks

You know that isn’t my class you foul beast!

I never said it was your class I just said you can’t quote your own classes.

Fair play

Why can’t you quote an idea? Like seriously, Sam? I don’t see a problem with quoting an idea.
To quote one of mine

Neut which literally is all RNG