The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Also Celeste, I’m healing PKR. I think Eevee can heal ya :stuck_out_tongue:
And It’s in my DM that my wish has been used.

I can heal you if you just swap the kill off pkr

Promise u wont tell Pug to modkill me for disobeying your first order and instead following what you said after

I won’t tell pug to modkill you? Lol
My direct order was to kill tech too

Your first order was to kill PKR which is the one I should follow. Im asking if you wont tell pug to modkill me after I follow what you said after which was to kill tech

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I will not tell pug to modkill you

Wait. Who should I even heal now D:

Ok then, I shall keel tech then

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Obviously me Shurian since im actually useful

Me! I heal Celeste, you heal me

And it would be a quick confirmation to if you healed me or not

And we somehow convince hippo to not kill me. Can we add that to the plan?

You are on your own with that

Yep. Healing Celeste tonight. No one else touch Celeste D:<

No we still want u ded

Spoiler it won’t happen

You talking less is a benefit to town

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No you don’t. That’s mean

Actually no. Town dead is worse than a person not talking

Ok you heal Celeste I’ll heal hippo