The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Help me. Please. Oh my god. I thought I posted too much on this place.

I killed strangle. You forgot about this

Oh really? You killed a guy D1

He’s dying N1. It’s a day ability that kills him at night

Best to say he’s dead

He also apparently kills another random town when he dies

So if we res him he could take 2 people down with him

I said that was a lie so eveve healed me And so hippo doesn’t shoot me


So basically, u became even more useless. You have two day abilities with not a single restriction/passive to negate perks

Occupy immune

So your are a liar! Scum lies.

Thinks back to marl claiming alch

Yes scum do lie

Yeah, Fire is useless. He used his kill. All his other abilities are useless

Why. On Earth, would you, as a TOWN, lie so much?

Superjester? Nah man I don’t believe you are town. Nor are you neutral.

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I lie as town but my lies are generally super obvious that no one could miss

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So your going to admit You were wrong about me being mafia/neutral/neutral killing after this. Or you are just going to just shrug it off.

Then do you agree to get mocked when I die?

Cause if you do I will happily let my self die.

The latter

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i like this one

Okay fire, how about I make you a neutral so that Marl doesnt have to worry about it

You can’t do that