The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

I have one toooooo

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Feels like doing an EU4 quote


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So no new message = no reroll?

you lucky duck, you got mafia again!?

jk eevee and boss were my teammates before the reroll


Tbh, Iā€™m just saddened that we rerolled.
Didnā€™t change anything but thereā€™s more mafia now and so the difficulty has been stepped up quite a lot

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How many Mafia?

Just read. 4ā€¦ oh no.

Is this scum!shurian?


You wish.
Scum me is 10000 percent more town orientated.

I want the town alive.

By my means and my means alone.

I may have revealed too much.

We probably couldā€™ve used the backups more than anything else. So adding the 2 slots from my perspective, has sorta just shifted the ratio into helping mafia.
As now instead of 3 v 3 v 12. Itā€™s now 4 v 3 v 13.
6/18 was non-town before. This is 33%. 7/20 is now non-town. This is 35%.
While it is a 2% difference. This can have a big impact

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13/4/3ā€¦ thatā€™s grody wtf.

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Town roles are pretty powerful though, and weā€™re all at ToL power level we should get through this just fine

Just fine = by the skin of our teeth lel

But the whole point of this game is bastard.

trust me there are going to be alot of town killing role

Town roles are powerful? Please donā€™t look at my rolecard. I played along to the theme of my name I was given. Youā€™re not gonna like me xD

Every good game needs a challenge though.

I also played along to my name.
Uhhā€¦ anyone who knows Pug and what he gave meā€¦ Yeahā€¦
My name is a nice one.