The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

nah it’s not invalid for a joke kill

Whoever kills Fire tonight gets lock town read from me. This is not a joke.
Please stop the spam

Why do you all hate me so much anyway?

New Meta: Kill Pug n1 in any game he is in


Do you really want to lose the carnival annoucer

inb4 u have an obs ability and find fires killer xd

I, as the circus host, can announce my own carnival

I can do it better

You shall be our guest in the morning.

To tell us all about your carnival

carnival when

never…never again…


Yes again

Let the psycho king win!

Whenever Pug opens it


I ask not to die N1. If not oh well mafia your be very sorry :wink:

This isn’t even grammatically correct


Your face… isn’t correct

Take that

@Pug Is D1 lynch enabled?

He said no

Meaning I have to add a passive to allow this

You want to add a passive which kills you Day 1?
You do you