The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

I also probably post way too much for my own good. But at the least I try to fill that posting with contribution.

I still make you die.

What’s /s ?

I do to. On day 2


Same here.
I actually encouraged reading today if possible


I think max is evil.

Was rite the last time

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I gave so much info already of what I am, I ain’t talking about my class anymore tbh. Good day peeps :3

Yeah, we’re on the same scumteam, rember?

Has game started yet

Oh yea I forgot

It’s no lynch day 1

I say we need a new thread this thread has too much bollockery 3;

Replace out
Next time, it won’t be struck through


*not enough bollockery

Wait so game started?

Pug said that it is technically day 1, as the game will officially start with night 1

Deep Breath.
Howdy peeps, where ya from?