The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

or you can not.
yeah i like that

just wait a little bit

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Eh, I might be messing everyone tonight.

@Hippolytus what do you mean? I just know Fire has to be town. I know how he plays

Did you know how I play OwO

Screw everyone.

even if he is confirmed town asking all tp to be on him is extremely anti-town

Itā€™s still really mean to shoot me

But at least we can list out a player from scum list.


I forgot to respond to this.
I put convert immune and Pug gave me a heart

(Ugh, why did I feels like I am ignored)


Iā€™m sowwy! D:

(Welp, whatever, screw everyoneā€™s night.)

What scumlist are you referring to?

Btw, if anyone is a neut killer, both of us neuts apparently are healersā€¦ so if you were using an attack on someone and we healed themā€¦ Sowwyz.
Wait. No. Me need heal people. Just 2 out of 4 uses have to hit a success, on different people.


I also suicide if I use my ability 3 times and donā€™t heal anyone.

Can we just not murder me?

Hey Shurian, can I Indian Yellow you?

Didnā€™t you already do that to me?