The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Says who?

A person who has NO INFO ABOUT ME ON D1. I gave you my class you couldn’t prove me as neut.

If I get a heal, I can redirect Eevee to me. Im not immune to anything I redirect.

What assumptions?

N0 pr00f u arent mafia or neut

My day ability is fun though. Not too obviously supportive, but yeah. When it comes you’ll know.

If there is show it to me plz. No?

You forget that pug said power level should be around tol

If your class is real you aren’t town, it’s too strong

My classcard is fun too. If theres a class that can read full classcards then that would be op against me :thinking:

It’s real. Marl wanna double the mocking?


But you aren’t getting unshot by hippo so it doesn’t matter

So you are to coward to admit you could be wrong?

I don’t have to risk anything since I’m not the one killing you

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You can’t stand by your word like hippo can’t.

Hippo doesn’t need to stand by his words, he has a gun

Ur scared
Your wrong.

P.S if I day vig a town, I wont kill myself of guilt. I still have the RNG gunshot at night though

It doesn’t matter if I’m wrong
I’m not the one killing you, why are you trying to convince me?

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Ok. Before the reroll, I was an NK.
So here’s what it looked like.
Pug approved this.

(Not showing exact details. It will reveal my class name.)
Passive- Death Imm. Occ and Redir Immune
Day(1)- Remove Passive. (1 use)
Night (1)- Bleed player. If Passive is removed, attack instead, bypassing anything.
Night (2)- Hammer the first person up on stand the next day.

(Or am I lying? Eh doesn’t matter.)

Because I’m more on the fact that you think I am evil without giving any evidence. Power level is a dumb way to judge if someone is town. Want to give another one?