[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]


Well I won’t press you on it anymore because lol claimvig

Why would you say this


(it’s a joke)

(I don’t know what his quirk is so I just assumed it was true lol)

gAmZeE tYpEs LiKe ThIs

which is the same as the mocking text

also, [spoilers removed], so


I used to know them but I haven’t messed with homestuck in a while

I expected games to start later since there’s so many going on at once and I’ve inned into all of them.
I see this as a mistake now.


What kind of OMGUS shit is that

bruh its not omgus.
they said its a slight suspicion and they’re not attacking the other person for it. its okay for them to have that suspicion

Their susing then because they had a slight scumread in them that’s like

Textbook fucking OMGUS


I never said it was scum AI, just that it was OMGUS as shit and stupid

Heyo all ^^
I am going to try and take charge somewhat

Minor host announcement

I mean it’s allowed to quote and @ ppl in the other thread
kinda not flavorful
and defeats purpose
keep it to a minimum?
not gonna enforce this but keep in mind


You’re gonna have to fight me for it

Well, let me ask this.

Has anyone stood out yet to you?
If so is it for good or bad reasons?


Anyway so, what’s even goin’ on here?


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I don’t think theirs been many AI posts here so far

Or posts for that matter

Lefia stands out too me from thread two for their OMGUS but I don’t think it’s scum AI atm just dumb as shit