[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

Like 11 EST

It’s more so we can actually use interactions to form wagons with plenty of time left

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I still don’t think we should ITA today


I think that you are right… we do not really have info.
But idk whether the other thread feels the same way.

How do you do these

2020-07-08T13:53:00Z around this time~


thats about an hour off

this is the time it closes

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It shows as Tomorrow 2:53 PM for me.
Should it be 1:53 or 3:53?

Beat me to it~

Woops. It’s an hour earlier from that

Just for the sake of getting some interactions, everyone; what is the spiciest read you have of someone in our thread?

nah an hour later than the time you posted

hold up

I don’t think my reads are exceptionally spicy

oh I’ll be on then


That’s fine! It doesn’t need to be anything big, since the current consensus is that the thread has high town presence iirc. Is there something you haven’t mentioned but have thought about someone?

Yeah, it’s actually a good time in our timezone whereas some other games it just isn’t at all.

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Exactly, usually most nights end around 6pm our time.

It seems they definitely do not feel the same way.

Rip light

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I kinda liked L1ght…