[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

nah I’m not that lucky unfortunately


While I’m not against Wazza dying I will def not be strafing anyone today.

Why do I feel like you’re just saying this because I’m one of the top wagons and you see me as an easy lynch.

You’ve done this before from what I remember when I last saw you play. I’m not gonna vote you because I’m not throwing you at L-2 but the way you’re acting right now is ticking me off.

Or… you could just… do it?
No need to hold you back.


/strife Wazza @clonedcheese

This better not work or I swear to god you didn’t even let me defend myself.



2nd roll:

I kinda forgot whether i said 10% chance or 5% chance backfire

You said 5, Apprentice is still alive.

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5% chance IIRC

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God damn, Apprentice. You’re lucky.

It was 5, yeah.
App is lucky lmao.
But I still do not regret saying YOLO it.

Ngl PKR saying go for it is kinda :eyes:

/vote Apprentice

Hey, I just thought Waz could be scum and it is not too bad to go for it.
Gotta reach for the stars with your own hands or else you’ll never make it.

only 4% off of hitting dang

Off hitting yourself and dying.

did I stutter

Alright, here’s my reasoning, Apprentice is more cautious, especially when it comes to things like this. You can see this in multiple games including one where I was his NKSon buddy and when I kept telling him to claim the daykill, he refused. The main issue I have with this is the fact that the full on went for it listening to PKR and not even asking me questions that I can defend myself too. So far, no one has given me a reason on why I’m scum apart from ‘Not-Existing’ which I already explained the reasoning for.

Not to mention the fact he even listened to PKR despite knowing his chance of dying is kinda just :eyes: to me and the fact he hasn’t interacted with me once in the thread up until this point just makes it entirely worse for him.

I am impressed anyway.
Love to see when someone takes their own stand.