[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

Im instead going to compliment you for doing a good job hosting while gently reminding u I voted app


minecraft done

if no appy yeet i’l yeet apple

anyone who’s name does not have “app” at the beginning I will not vote unless convinced otherwise

/vote apprentice


also using this ping to passively mention that an event might have been coming up and what was that about


…Event has been delayed for unsuitable flavor.

Please hold.

1 Like

Event 3

Movie Night!

05278 (1)


JOHN: jade…
JADE: hm?
JOHN: i think i just realized something.
JADE: what?
JADE: whaaat
JADE: but you love this movie!
JOHN: yeah, i know.
JOHN: i mean… i thought i did.
JOHN: it’s been kind of a long time since i last saw it. i really remember it being a lot better than this!
JOHN: but now everything just seems so cheesy and stupid.
JADE: but you were making such a big deal about finally getting me to watch it with you on your birthday!
JADE: you were going on and on about how i wouldnt be disappointed… but now youre saying you dont like it?
JOHN: i don’t know. i’m trying to like it. i WANT to like it.
JOHN: i want to feel the same magic that was there all the other times i watched it.
JOHN: but i can’t, because…
JOHN: it’s just…
JOHN: not…
JOHN: good. :frowning:

After two years on the Battleship, the inhabitants of the ship fiiiiiiiinally agree to watch Con Air with John on his birthday. But…Con Air? Seriously? How much more bored can you get?

Your task is to come up with a plot for the shittiest movie you can imagine - the settings, the characters, the actions…

Basically, pitch an idea for a film. Write out some details and describe some stuff to create the shittiest movie that ever came to Hollywood. The more detailed, the better your audience will understand your movie! After submissions are over, players may vote on their favorite movie! The winner of this event will receive a prize that is relevant to the game. Voting may start early if all players submit their entries.

You have until 2020-07-11T04:00:00Z to create it!

The only limit is your imagination!

thread two gets 3 events
we get a round of quiplash
makes sense

yells into the void

the void yells back


game boring have you strifed yet

Thread 2 hammering is dumb

They have to wait for us either way lmao


Tbh we should just happen to keep up with them

No ones talking anyways

ez game nerds

Something has happened

in this thread? wow

Apprentice has left the Battleship.

They were…

Peregrine Mendicant


Liberty. Reason. Justice. Civility. Edification. Perfection.

Neutral Executioner

MAIL. (Passive): You must enact justice on the wicked. You know that the following role exists:

Jack Noir

Jack Noir


Graveyard stuffers.

Neutral Serial Killer, 2-Shot Rampager

Bad Dog, Worst Enemy (Passive): The power of the Green Sun provides you with power you should not wield. You cannot be killed with methods other than public execution.

Stabby Stab (Night): Use your sword to fucking stab someone to death. God you love sharp things.

Red Miles (Night): Unleash the power of the Queen’s Ring to kill target player and everyone else who visits them.

Wincon: Be the last player remaining.

You will win if the player is publically executed. If you are alive when they are executed, you will win the game; you may choose to continue playing, aligned with the uninformed majority with no abilities.

Ring of the White Queen (Passive): The power of the Green Sun provides you with power that you can put to justice. You cannot be killed with methods other than public execution.

Wincon: put the slayer to death.

Okay good we got that resolved

thanks other thread!


@Apprentice you liar.