[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

You have stated townreads on like

Literally everyone in the game now

Who would you shoot here if you had to

Food for thought: Zone killed mathmods, who killed Appel? wolves?

Theirs a reason I’m re-evaling

But GTH I would shoot PKR right now


Wait wait wait

Nk was in other thread

Wolves killed Appel

Theirs like no way Appel is scum

lmao I told you that app was legit lmao

you guys need to get on my level

whatever, I identified him as nottown before his neutclaim and punched him

marshal god at social reads

and also

if he had mentioned that suicide was a fucking mechanic/option earlier I would maybe have believed him!!!


rant over

2 nontown gonezo

and what was CFM2 again?

well. we dont exactly know that they’re new to the forums.
im not trying to speculate at whether they’re an alt or not or who they would be if they were, im acknowledging the possibility that they might be an alt. and so that defense isnt as strong.

again to be clear, whether or not they’re an alt is not something for us to solve. just leave it be. but its possible their an alt so i dont think its as good of a chance that they’re town from that alone.

/Vote PKR @clonedcheese

Ash isn’t an alt

he’s literally played here before

he’s from Chief Delphi

What do your reads look like atm

oh. :shurg:

Is this pressure to try and get me to shoot?
Sorry buckaroo, it is not going to happen.

No it’s pressure to Execute you lol

Simon has in all honestly dropped a little bit because his insistence on apprentice feels slightly TMI-y

Appel still low on the list (even if you think wolves tried to NK her I am skeptical of that slot socially)

Ur still high, Mist is still pretty high (I have a tinfoil i’ll go into later on this slot but I need to iso mist to see if it’s true), appo dead, basically


As far as this thread at least (which I want to focus on)

I don’t see appel scum here it dosent make sense and in all reality they have had a good tone