[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

wasn’t this saying the read on him was basically the same as the read on me?


imma go play minecraft

No. My read on them is based on the same things as your read on me; fine mechanically, bad socially, as you yourself stated.

When have I said you are fine mechanically

I’ve kinda been building up to a world where I think your passive doesn’t fit as town into the setup

i mean its clear at this point that there are very wacky roles in this setup.
its essentially a 1-shot night immunity that announces itself.

or rather, just a night immunity.
im assuming 1-shot for flavor reasons

This was the only readlist I posted here, and most of these still stand. It is somewhat interesting that – going by the assumption (I already forgot who made it, sigh) – that I was NK’d by wolves, it was either random or related to this list, which doesn’t exactly make Ash look any better.

I already townread Mist and Marshal, and with App revealing themselves as a Neutral, there were only 3 people I had to keep an eye on while re-reading; Simon, Hammer and Ryan.


Simon was more of a gutread because none of their posts stood out, and after ISOing them, I still think they’re towny. They had good points about Leafia during the beginning of the game, but didn’t push it further due to what I assume was because they were in different threads. Most of the people I’d want to push right now are and have been in thread 2, which is a shame and definitely contributed to my earlier laziness a bit. They’ve had clear thought process throughout the game and have been consistent with their pushes, so they’re a very strong townlean as of now.


I noticed they had a lot of fluff during early game and even stated D1 reads are useless. They did provide some surface-level reads, but despite being a top-poster, never really took control of the thread. I wasn’t sure what to think of that, because it actually would be the perfect opportunity for wolves, so I eventually concluded it as NAI. However, I have a few mech(?) theories because of what they’ve said that I believe makes them town, so I wouldn’t want to cuddle this before clearing up those theories.


The only thing I noticed about Ryan before ISOing them is that they’ve been very relaxed, just like Mist. However, their reads have considerably more hedge and I can see some possible agenda in their interactions. Also if my theory about Ash is correct, then the way they handled Ash’s slot is plain awful. Otherwise I’m not seeing much apart from fluffposting, and I’d definitely like to see more of their reads and for them to explain their thought process behind them.

But this is actually a problem because as I said yesterday, there’s literally no one I scumread from thread 1 and it would be really weird for one thread to have no scum at all. So I’ll have to solve things by interacting more instead of just making reads, or I can just start focusing on thread 2 more since I believe the majority of the wolves are there nevertheless.

This was more or less just wanting to bring my thought process out because a simple “I don’t find anyone scummy” won’t do it, and even if Marshal were to be a wolf after all, I can still see a town coming to the conclusion that I’m scummy because of the things they stated. So, are you happy now Marshal?~

I don’t know about that~

You basically implied it here.

I’ll talk about thread 2 later, this was exhausting. @ me if there’s any questions

I was saying even if you are fine mechanically i’m skeptical of your social play

even if implies that I don’t think that.

In that case, you’re ignoring a fundamental thing that should clear me. If wolves didn’t try to kill me, then who did they attack and why did that person not die? Why would someone else attack me, when no one but you openly expressed doubts about my slot?

maybe they attacked hammerman who I rolestopped


Not sure what’s going on but what does you roleblocking me and them attacking have to do with each other

rolestop = prevents visitors

think merc gaurd

its not a roleblock


if some1 tried to killu u

u would not hav died

and the fact that I am a rolestopper, and wazza was a roleblocker, and app was a all-times bulletproof

at night there are at least 3 different sources of nightkill stoppage in this thread

and if appel is legit

that’s 4 different sources that make the nightkill begone


I don’t know if that’s really that likely


Okay thought you meant roleblock

So you’re a JK withought the occ basically

I’m not going to claim but my role potentially answers both of these questions

Also what’s this thing about another thread

Actually lemme clarify something shortly

yeah basically