[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

Nothing he’s done has pinged me as particularly town

I plan on during the night trying to look into individual slots a bit harder but I’m at wazza/Appel/PKR Main PoE atm

I didn’t know we were supposed to care about the other thread.

lmao I never read the OP before inning into games, people know this.


why is geyde town to you?

also I think PKR’s posts are super genuine and towny

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His reads feel genuine To me

I have a bad habit of being lazy D1 and not doing ISOs and going into a ton of detail for cases

where did this sphere come from

I felt like reads just happened with the buildup that is the equivalent of a bucket of water being dumped on thread
aka near instantly

I don’t think it’s anything that far out of his wolfrange and I think it’s not unlikely he just wanted to establish thread tempo early

it is not out of meta for you to try to fake clear yourself
you know this

Be more specific

Centuries, despite the fact you cannot join us here, I personally accept you.
After all, you voted for PKmon and you actually seem relatively townie.
Less so than Ash (because of that shot) but still, you are acceptable.

I don’t know anyone’s wolf range, he’s here now so we’ll see if my read changes

That very much is out of my meta.

I’d be a big fan of PoE ITA’ing each other. Our thread is lame rn

that may be due to amount of posts in thread being tripled while I was asleep / working on college prep

If I wouldn’t do it as Town, I won’t do it as scum. I prefer to keep both those Meta’s the same.

I wouldn’t complain about geyde and wazza shooting across ig

I would

As long as I am not part of that PoE, then we are gucci.