[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

Wait, only 2 hours until EoD

/unvote @clonedcheese

that was directed at the other thread


Voted Voters Votes
Geyde Mist1422, Wazza 2/5
Appelsiini Geyde 1/5
Wazza Apprentice, Hammerman, Simon 3/5

yell at me if mistakes

/vote geyde @clonedcheese


Voted Voters Votes
Geyde Mist1422, Wazza, Simon 3/5
Appelsiini Geyde 1/5
Wazza Apprentice, Hammerman 2/5

yell at me if mistakes

I left my vote on Geyde earlier because I wanted to pressure them, but their recent thought process looks really good and lacks agenda.

May I ask why

oh wait geyde was the one with the longpost I liked


/vote apprentice @clonedcheese

of course it doesn’t matter, because the other thread is about to give me my lying darkness win anyway

not entirely sure, but my gut is telling me theres something off there. id wanted to lynch them before, but more than that i wanted to not tie, so i stuck my vote on wazza


Voted Voters Votes
Geyde Wazza, Simon 2/5
Appelsiini Geyde 1/5
Wazza Apprentice, Hammerman 2/5
Apprentice Mist1422 1/5

yell at me if mistakes

I see you’re going by your earlier list. What makes App less trustworthy than others?


/unvote @clonedcheese

real talk it’s really just PoE

I know I’m town, I have PKR as ~locktown by tone/how comfortable he feels
I liked Geyde’s stream of consciousness longpost and I think Hammerman isn’t with light
I trust Wazza’s read on you and I think it would be a weird way to play as w/w

leaves you/simon/apprentice and apprentice has really not been following through with stuff like I would expect him to as v

what I’m trying to say is I don’t like him bringing up that he might claim then just

not doing anything with it

for what it’s worth

unlike every other flavor that has been flipped/claimed so far, Centuries’ is not on the meteor during A6 (which is what the flavor is based off)

but also I don’t remember anything his character does so I may be remembering wrong, plus he is Probably Just A Villager

Although claiming is not explicitly banned, there will be mechanics that will disadvantage those that do. Flavor is almost strictly AI, and anti-town characters will be given a fakeclaim.
Although claiming is not explicitly banned, there will be mechanics that will disadvantage those that do. Flavor is almost strictly AI, and anti-town characters will be given a fakeclaim.
Although claiming is not explicitly banned, there will be mechanics that will disadvantage those that do. Flavor is almost strictly AI, and anti-town characters will be given a fakeclaim.
Although claiming is not explicitly banned, there will be mechanics that will disadvantage those that do. Flavor is almost strictly AI, and anti-town characters will be given a fakeclaim.

does that mean you’ll vote us for otp?

sorry the gif pocketed me

leafia im aware