[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

thats meme-lamist not actual lamist centuries

centuries, you need to ping the hos in the vote post

What have they done that’s opportunistic

that is obviously memeing @Centuries

“hmm wow i dont know anyone here is town, but im defnitely town, ha! lol”
this is a transcription of what they said
obv meme

also centuries for the kyo thing. i dont think ive been arguing based on terminology like kyo said.
i said what an omgus is in my defninition and im saying this isnt that. and so it was fine.

PSA: liking posts in the other thread is directly interacting, and is a modkillable offense

Don’t do it :angry:

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anyone who gets themselves modkilled is scummy and should be executed

Hmm, me and Leaf can usually read each other.
I will check this out.

What is up gamers. I already have something hot and spicy to serve up to y’all

@Centuries (pinging one person in other thread who I know will read this and share it)

I am hard claiming that I have mech info and know that there is a Neutral Killer who has a 2-shot rampage and is immune to death by all means other than execution.

that’s only pingus I do to other thread sry cloned

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claiming how I know this is not beneficial, but I am 100% certain of it

Also, unlike Kyo, I have no idea which thread the NK is in.

my thread is dead :frowning:

hey mechsolve man is here

no they dont get town points for it
its nai
thats what that means.
why would you think they would expect to get town points for calling that town

also about 7m ago leafia did acknowledge the point of the 3 scum games. dont act like they just ignored it

tbh leafia reeks of town that tried to be funny and lighthearted before getting into the seriousness of the game and is now being persectued for said funny-ness, and is caught of guard or something so they’re being forced to defend themselves.
that just feels like what’s happening rn in the other thread.

like thats happened to me a good few times in the past except now im on the outside to realize it