[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

Not sure what I expected but


I kinda like apprentice tho

ok I’m stopping this right now. You’re not strifing me anymore

I don’t tbqh

Hammer do I pull a gamer move in return? (this does not involve me strifing/killing anyone fwiw)

Regardless what’s done is done

I would have preferred a PKR shot

Which Is also who I’ll probs end up shooting tbh

I can’t do it anymore silly

i already used it

I meant thread in general

You do you

I can’t stop you

Don’t do anything stupid tho?

like if I’m going to be seriously pushed today there is something I should just do right now

IC reveal or GTFO

before more shots come my way

it’s not an IC reveal lmao


well then reffer to the 2nd part


I’m kinda curious about wtf he’s going to do

heck off Marshal.

am I going to be seriously pushed? just lmk right now in all serioiusness


all you have done is super weak-ish reads
and mechanical-related BS

it lacks the tang that your game usually has

and you claim a weak mechanical role who’s info is probably better flipped anyways


suicide bombing me now ig?

No I said it wasn’t killing and I wouldn’t do that emotionally