[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]


yes but they are not a town

yes we can yeet that please yes yes yes?

i convert to VT when NK dies

That seems like way too much non town that or mafia has like 2-3 people lmao

there is a literally perfect flavor explanation tho. like i totally believe that this is a thing that could exist in the game

nah id rather not waste all of our strifes on them.
just let them do what they do for now, they seem to be on our side

I’m like 80% sure this is just the NK

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“Wow guys, my role is so crazy! Please yell at the host post game for making it exist” is an almost explicity mafia-made statement

here’s a gamer thing

would sulit let you exist?

probably not

you can die to lynch today

i’m fine not strifing you and using it on other PoE but you are 100% the best yeet today

its possible
but unlikely in my opinion

Like I give my acutal fucking reads, try to help town, and get scumread for it anyway while rest of thread has done fuckall


except hes not mafia

hammerman is lock gamer and hard town


is :joy_cat: wolf :joy_cat:

if he is are you fine with dying?

we flip him at EoD 1000000%

i do not see a world where he is a member of the mafia

he can be nk
but he is not a wolf. he is not a member of the mafia

I should’ve known Marshal would just be a dick about it. I should’ve just stayed neutral instead of trying to be pro-town

is this an AC softclaim or…?

AtE time

Let’s go bois

yeah lemme just out the fact that there’s an NK when I’m the NK that sounds smart

no, its not.
now im going to look up who AC is real quick