[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

No like I literally cannot strife.




do it

and see if you can or can’t

Dude, I can read my rolecard.


I don’t believe you
there should be no harm in trying, yes?

Idk if I will get in trouble or something.
I will ask and if I will not get in trouble then sure I will show the truth.
If I will get in trouble then heck no.


you fool

you know that the ideal solution to every problem is “shoot first, ask questions later”
this applies perfectly


but fine

do that

And maybe get myself modkilled?

it would be a gamer moment

but whatever

Strife Marshal

gamer moment

but you didn’t ping cheese @PokemonKidRyan

so it wasn’t gamer enough

I literally will just be ignored.
There is no point.

Ok then do it

If you are ignored

Then I will believe you

You say there is no point

But the point is confirming that this thing you claim is true

Which is what I want to do

Strife Marshal

(Also sorry about this but someone is making me do this)

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@clonedcheese will strifes without the / be processed?

And have all strifes up to this point been processed?

pkr is triggered atm


No moderrors have been made.


(also this @clonedcheese)