[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

like what lol.
when im talking to the other side its when no one else is talking here 90% of the time

im not sure tbh. that whole thing was gut-read
if i had to put a point on it, either its my own sympathy leaking through from being in similar situations?

it’s easy as shit to try to start a conversation in this thread
even asking somebody on their pov is pretty easy
for the purposes of what I did say though
that was a passing thought that doesn’t make sense in context

I have reasons that I would very much like to get the neighborhood with one of you fine folks

someone accept my love please

how does it look like content what I’m nerding out about homestuck

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is that literally just what you’ve been doing
I can’t see it being just that

just asked cheese and strifes (ITAs) are online right now

Was at work

No one was talking in here but like me and Simon

I know
It was entirely retrospective

The other read has double our posts that’s cool

I’m gonna shower then try to make something happen (And fail but don’t worry about that part)

Does anyone currently exist

I’m here but quite busy atm. I’ll be free in like an hour or two I think

I’ll probably be asleep by the.

Also GTH Geyde town from skimming his posts

rip. Hopefully someone will be on then, because we have ITAs today and I don’t wanna wait until the end of day for those. Thread is dead as a doornail rn though

I veto using ITAs today

For a few reasons

First D1 reads are more often than not Rand>dogshit

Second this thread only has 8 people.

If theirs 3 scum in this thread a miss ITA+myslynch give them equal pairity in this thread by D2

I find 3 scum in this thread very unlikely tbh

But it’s possible and I’d rather not risk it