[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

One of Centuries/Zone/Leafia is probs scum if we rule of 3 light. Plus their entire interaction lmao

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I’m probably going to only re-eval ash in like lylo or something tbh. That shot was so pure

could come from neutral I guess, but ash ain’t maf

Ok, we all have Ash as town.
We get it, let’s move on.
Ash is not the same faction as L1ght. That is all we have garnered, let us move on.

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I agree but I don’t think Centries is scum it’s almost always one of zone or leaf imo

Theirs no way their both town

Event 1 Voting:

Pairing 1: Apprentice + Hammerman!

When forty winters shall besiege thy brow
And dig deep trenches in thy beauty’s field,
Thy youth’s proud livery, so gaz’d on now,
Will be a tatter’d weed, of small worth held:
Then being ask’d, where all thy beauty lies,
Where all the treasure of thy lusty days,
To say, within thine own deep-sunken eyes,
Were an all-eating shame and thriftless praise.
How much more praise deserv’d thy beauty’s use,
If thou couldst answer ‘This fair child of mine
Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse,’
Proving his beauty by succession thine!
This were to be new made when thou art old,
And see thy blood warm when thou feel’st it cold.

that’s pretty gamer, i think you’re a cutie

Pairing 2: Simon + PKR!

heyyy man, i think we shoud, you know :eyes:
but also in terms of game this is good bc if theres only one pairing to vote for possibility for there being scum in that is real high. not on those individuals necessarily, but just on their being only one official pairing

Hey there dude, I think you are totally right.
Simon says that you are an absolute boss when it comes to all these things and that we could make a errr… power couple of sorts this game maybe!
Let us do this dear, game on and show them that like ace tennis players, we get love easily uwu

Pairing 3: Wazza + Appelsiini!

I think you’re cool, you gave me headpats that one time and whenever you vote people you call it cuddles and I think that just makes their death a lot better and cute and pairing with you seems fun since you’re one of my top townreads

Everything gets better with cuddles~ I gladly accept!

Vote for your favorite pairing! Polls will close at EoD

  • Apprentice + Hammerman
  • Simon + PKR
  • Wazza + Appel

0 voters

post will be linked to OP soon

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yes that is a complete sentence thank you forums

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So who we voting for

I say me

But I’m a bit biased

Me and Simon just get to the point.
And we literally have read each others’ mind here so that is true love.
No need to say about it, but it just is what it is.

This is purity, this is dedication.
Vote PKmon for your victors~

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I mean I have reasons I really wanna be in a neighborhood, but I’m also biased

im sorry pkr.
by being put into a neighborhood together we shall be forced to mindmeld at all opportunities

yeah whats the rule of 3 in this scenario? unfamiliar.

I don’t particularly like PKR being into a neighborhood as I don’t think he’s been particularly towny

Let’s do it, I think it is for the best if we mindmeld.
Plus since we are both focused on the goal ahead of us, I really think that we could use the neighbourhood to our full advantage.

L1ght calling Cent and Leafia both scummy, yet saying he doesn’t see them being W/W, is… something. It could be one of these:

  1. L1ght wanted to shade both of them to possibly get a miscuddle after the other one dies


  1. L1ght knew one of them is a wolf, and wanted to have ‘correct’ reads to seem more towny later on.

As much as I’d like my reads to not be even worse than what they were, I heavily doubt the second option.

generally that scum when listing one of x,y, and z is scum will include 1 scum. it isn’t foolproof by any means, but it’s suprisingly very often they’ll put exactly one scum on the list

And me and apprentice are both actually playing the game so like


I just haven’t been active.
Plus neighbourhoods are a good way of being to work out if someone has scum motivation behind them.
It allows Simon to keep a tab on me and vice versa.

Perfect for someone not too towny and not too scummy, no?

inb4 everyone votes themselves and that’s it

I would prefer to have a neighborhood with two people I’m pretty sure are town and can give thoughts and solve together

hammerman clear question mark