[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

My issue is that if she claims role power then that means

Later on she’s just gonna claim under pressure

which is a big no no

As for the claimvig, I have two uses of a day ability that’ll delay any attacks on me by two nights. I also have infinite uses of an ability that allows me to transfer any delayed deaths to the person of my choice. So I’m not afraid of scum trying to kill me. They’ll be risking their own lives by doing so. I have two other abilities too, one passive and the other a second night ability.

Considering your overconfident vibe, I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case.

Sorry. I misworded you.

…oh. In that case: Burn those who opt for D1 NoExe.

i mean


Chronomancer much? Also profound sweating when looking at claimvig potential

We cannot prove this will be the case. I still believe you are overreacting.

…well ****. I didn’t think you’d actually say it this soon.



now imagine if the Claimvig is strongman and Leafia is town

Yeah. I had expected too much from Leafia, it seems. My bad.


but I guess if you’re not in danger of claimvig? idk claim seems unnecessary.

Does scum get fakeclaims @clonedcheese

You got it in one. Scum have likely figured it out too if you have. I’m the town Chronomancer. Well, you pretty much forced me into claiming here. It isn’t like I had a choice. Actually, I’m going to ask Cloned something in my classcard.

flavor yes powers no probably?

Yes, they get fakeclaims.

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…well, at least there is that.

That’s a lot of abilities for Leafia isn’t it

ftr you claimed when you started talking about delaying death and stuff, not when math suggested a PR name that matches what you described.

Well, now comes the question whether the claimvig can be activated during night only or whether it can be activated during day as well.

…rather, shouldn’t we ask whether there is even a claimvig in the first place?

…this is a WIFOM hellhole. Let’s not talk any further about the claimvig.

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It is, actually. …should we exe her after all, then?

meh idc

she dies from claimvig probably