[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

anyway, let me look over Leafia’s ISO

Totally original votecount

Voted Voters Votes
Leafia Centuries, Zone_Q11 2/5
oB_L1ght ash4fun 1/5
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour 1/5
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, mathmods, KyoDaz, Leafia, oB_L1ght 5


Not much has happened in your thread, but our thread has a dead Modeshifter and an issue with Leafia’s claims.

Moral of story: Talk more please! Our thread literally has 3 times as much posts as yours!

If you vote Wazza, then it will only make him L-2. At the very least, vote someone so there is something to talk about.

I know it’s VERY late, but even a RVS would be highly appreciated in your dead thread.

Appel is right; Geyde voted Appel in the other thread.

I am so bored that I am even starting to pay attention to the other thread; this is how bad both threads’ situations are.

You’ve had over 30 minutes to check Leafia’s ISO.
Now tell me what you have found, and don’t you dare use wallposts, because I won’t read those.

Bloody hell, how stupid are you? If there really were 2 scum in your thread, then just LET THEM LYNCH WAZZA.

Here is the reasons why:
• If Wazza gets quicklynched, then you have succesfully gotten rid of a useless slanker.
• If TWO scums were to quicklynch, then you will just have to lynch them tomorrow!
• Knowing that a quicklynch will only be detrimental to themselves, nobody would dare to quicklynch Wazza! Because they would become your D2 suspects!

–all of this is assuming that Wazza is a town, since I assume that Apprentice and PKR are only voting Wazza to get him talking instead of actually getting rid of a slanker.

You won’t die tonight Kyo. I’ll make sure of thaty. You and Ash I’d say are my highest townreads because you’re actually using effort to decide my alignment, unlike Centuries. I’d be pretty surprised if either of you flipped scum to be honest.

I wasn’t even on when Mode died and even if I had been, I’m literally the last person that could’ve wanted him dead. It is literally the stupidest thing ever to think that I’d kill Mode here even if I could.

@PokemonKidRyan, I saw that like on Simon’s post, so it seems that you need to read this as well.

Good thing I don’t have to tell my reasoning to Hammer and Appel. :relieved:

Hes I am a human. Now start actually thinking. At least my flavor character looks human enough.

• Leafia: Responded to Centuries
• Also Leafia: “You won’t die tonight, Kyo.”

And how exactly will you make sure that Kyo doesn’t die?

And who says you had to be online in order to kill him

@Leafia, give Kyo your fullclaim or we will blast your head open with ITAs.

I’m 96% sure I know your flavor.

Not telling bc lolclaimvig but still

Stop flavor-fishing since doing that is literally useless in this game.


she claimed abils and role if scum can kill her if she’s town then she’s already dead

yeah true

You are correct, both Kyo and I had a heated debate and to summarize it very badly: If Leafia doesn’t give Kyo specific answers, then he will agree that killing Leafia D1 is a good choice.

Otherwise he will keep pressing Leafia for her claim and it’s a goddamn waste of time.

Do not vote Wazza unless you have finished making it clear as day and night that your thread is silent AF compared to ours.

After that, keep pushing people to talk, and if that fails… then just get rid of Wazza or something because holy **** that thread is useless AF.

something something no pinging other thread