[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

Says the circus owner…
…actually, ash only needs Cent to vote someone, right?
In other words, it doesn’t matter who Cent votes, right?

/vote Zone


As you wish

Heal me tonight :smiley:

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Hurry up and let me die already…
–oh. There we go!

If you want to hammer him I’m fine with that.

make any vote you choose though really

Hammer. Shut.


Official EoD VC

Voted Voters Votes
Zone_Q11 Zone_Q11, fourfourfourfour, KyoDaz, Centuries 4/4
KyoDaz ash4fun, an_gorta_pratai 2/4

Flip incoming.

Event has been canceled due to an early hammer.

Zone_Q11 was…

Jack Noir


Graveyard stuffers.

Neutral Serial Killer, 2-Shot Rampager

Bad Dog, Worst Enemy (Passive): The power of the Green Sun provides you with power you should not wield. You cannot be killed with methods other than public execution.

Stabby Stab (Night): Use your sword to fucking stab someone to death. God you love sharp things. Infinite uses.

Red Miles (Night): Unleash the power of the Queen’s Ring to kill target player and everyone else who visits them. 2 uses.

Wincon: Be the last player remaining.

You know that the following flavor and role does not exist:



by skaias gUiding light, yoU may leave behind its tUrning arms of bright coloUrs and mayhem, and secUre peace for yoUr cosmic progeny for all dUration.

Town Empowerer

Cherub (Passive): As a Cherub, you share a body with your brother, chained one leg to the wall, constantly fighting to gain superiority. You may only target people 2 slots above and below you on the rolelist for your abilities that are still alive.

Trickster Mode!! (Night): Grant another player with your Juju, granting them Trickster Mode!! Their abilities cannot be redirected, stopped, or reversed. 3 uses.

Wincon: defeat all factions that pose a threat to you.

Night will last until approximately 2020-07-11T17:00:00Z

If the other thread has no hammer/hammers relatively late, the combined thread will be made available, in which you may talk but not vote nor conduct any actions until the other thread joins.


Ignore what the host said previously.

Night will end when all actions from both threads lock

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Night has ended.

…host kinda woke up later than expected.

Processing actions now.

Good news: You avoided the hot sauce.

Yup. I did.