[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

I highly doubt that.

NK claiming there is an NK… unlikely.
That’d be a stupid move.

Hmmmm, not necessarily although it would be a questionable move at best.

I will try to post more in a bit

Sorry that I disappeared, I was taking my grandmother shopping and… she takes forever.

Aside from Centuries debating about whether Leafia was being LAMIST or not, you haven’t missed anything.

Also, Centuries and I are planning on a Leafia Policy Lynch. Do you wanna join?

Fun fact: She did that in Insurgency, too.

I don’t know what LAMIST means, and no. I can almost perfectly read Leafia by like D2 of any game, so I’d rather wait.

Look At Me I’m So Town

Well, we have to either exe Leafia Today or the host, because no exe is literally not an option in this game.

…I am worried why revealing the host’s alignment is a thing though.

We have like 45 hours until EoD, wdym it’s either Leafia or the host

host exe is only a thing starting D3, until that it’s just noElim.

doing host exe after that just gives info. I don’t know if the alignment just determines which town-helpful info it gives, or if it’s “exe town host helps maf” and vice versa.

I am 100% against D1 No Lynch, so we need a scapegoat at one point. I am -as you have noticed- heavily biased against Leafia (and Modeshifter), so I would get rid of them ASAP.

And before anyone says anything about me: Yes, I am fully aware that I am being rude, and I am also aware that my words might hurt others.

Aw shucks. I’d be able to tolerate it if we are able to gain info from a NoExe, but if there’s no D1 Host Exe, then I don’t know what to do during D1.

…it’s a boring question, really, but:
“Where is everyone?”

Slight noise under the table

Here and now. (Been reading up on Leafia v Centuries so I think I have an idea of what has happened while I was gone.)

Ah… thank you for reading those.
Would you mind giving your general thoughts over those two?


“Getting to know each other”

Well certain parings on this meteor all just met each other for the first time
And you’re all very horny teenagers
So the only conceivable result will take place…

Send a message to the host, with some
Include who you want to be the recipeient.

To expedite the process, provide to me in your classcard a template “yes” answer and a template “no” answer.

do not send the message directly.

The sent messages will be publically revealed once the deadline passes.

Winning pair, with the best crossing messages, will be put in a neighborhood!

You have until 2020-07-07T19:30:00Z

what is this even

Dunno. Currently trying to find out what it does.

two things you need to do
FYI you can send infinite messages
have fun