[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]


Doubtful but we’ll see. Also, we can’t vote the host until D3. This has been brought up before.

I’m highly suspicious that this is a fake claim, especially considering how early on it is and the similarities to the ToL Chronomancer. If it isn’t, then I’m disappointed at how quickly she claimed. Regardless, I believe it to be best to avoid executing Leafie today.

new flag hype

I just noticed your vote on me. You need to ping the host for it to count.

Please, call me 4x4. You seem to be quite mistaken however. You see, I have the ability to soulread someone because I have eyes. Eyes are also quite useful in reading finished game threads, which you seems to not understand.

Are you being serious right now? Do you seriously want to risk lynching a powerful townie like that? Because my claim is legit. That’s the truth of it, and even if scum strongarms me tonight, as long as I used my ability today, the death will be delayed by two nights. Seriously, listen to yourself speak. If you’re townie, then there’s no way you should want to risk lynching me if there’s even the smallest chance I could be legit. We can’t afford to take stupid risks this early in the game, because if I’m being honest about my role, and I am, and you lynch me, you’ve just lost a very powerful townie. Nosw please use your brain and start thinking straight.

why are you town

leafia: im town look at me im town trust please please im town

/vote Zone_Q11 @clonedcheese

There won’t be any silence because I’m going to do everything in my power to make the townies in this thread see sense. A powerful role such as mine is never the lynch D1.

Calm down. Realize that we have no proof as to whether or not your claim is legit so please focus on being productive in some way.

This is not helpful. Refrain from hyperposting.

When you say this out loud (yes, I know, no one’s actually saying it but bear with me), it negates all pressure the vote has as he is not actually in any danger.


/Vote Zone_Q11

I’m down with this.

I’m town because I’m town. You don’t have one lick of proof that even points towards me being scum. You’re going to feel insanely stupid if you’re town and I die because I’ll flip town.

/Unvote @clonedcheese

Easy fore you to say. It’s hard to be productive when you’re accused of being scum, but you are right honestly. These accusations aren’t getting us anywhere.


thats like so hypocrite lmfao

It isn’t hypocritical in the slightest.

@Centuries Could your clarify your opinion on KyoDaz and Leafie? I have to go now but will be back later.

Kyo: Outside of preflips probably town if for some god forsaken reason Leafia flips town and then someone else (guess for yourself i made it fairly obvious) flip town then re-eval, has lots of ??? posts and his stance on Leafia is hella flip floppy which probably comes from town if I had to be honest

Leafia: lmao lol scum and I’m not letting someone of because they claimed thats the dumbest thing possible, plays exactly like thier scummeta, uses the same arguments, has the same posts than in their scum games word for word


Voted Voters Votes
Leafia Centuries 1/6
mathmods ash4fun 1/6
ash4fun Zone_Q11 1/6
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour 1/6

yell at me if mistakes